- The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 7, 2021

In a recent candid conversation, my 19-year-old son said he personally knew 10 girls in his former high school who had turned to internet porn as a means of making money, and knew the names of another 20 or so who were engaged in the same business.

This was common knowledge, he said. Everybody knew them, and what they did, he said. Moreover, this was hardly shameful but rather a feminist bragging right that had been actually supported by some public high school teachers who talked openly about the freeing power of selling one’s self for sex, he said.


It’s pitiful to think where this change in culture is leading America.

Teachers who applaud the sex trade?

High school girls who dream of selling their sexualized bodies?

Young women who actually rake in thousands of dollars per week — in some cases, thousands of dollars per day — by posting sexual videos of themselves, and who actually think this is stuff of greatness, this is the stuff of which to aspire?

This isn’t just about the sad and needless personal suffering these girls might one day face — the missed opportunities for gainful employment, the humiliation from videos that never disappear, the difficulty in leaving these skeletons behind and moving toward a more virtuous and proper future.

This isn’t just about the personal level — the struggle these girls might face to regain their lives once their minds have matured to the point of seeing the exploitation that stole their younger years. 

This is about the shape and fate of an entire nation.

The fact that porn has not just moved mainstream — as evidenced by the near nonstop barrage of soft sex that makes up most cable fare, even comedies, these days — but also morphed into something that’s seen as a viable, even enviable, career for women is a moral peril.

America is rapidly becoming a Rome. 

The signs of the times point to utter cultural decay. The only ones who stand to gain are the sex traffickers.

Feminism used to be about freeing women from the chains of domestic enslavement, perceived or real, and from the dominance of and dependence upon not-so-nice husbands, perceived or real, and giving choice where choice had not been normally given.

Feminism was about opening the workforce to women who chose to enter the workforce, and about recognizing the contributions of women to the workforce with fair pay.

Radical feminists, however, have corrupted that quest by first, devaluing the work of women who simply want to stay home and raise children;  second, by pressuring society to accept their causes for abortion on demand, for taxpayer-funded birth control, for a hook-up sexual cultural that tells women to choose the free and easy sexually revolutionized lifestyle over stodgy, stay-at-home boredom; and for fatherless homes and marriage-free child-bearing — and third, most recently, by demanding the recognition of prostitution and the sex trade as a legal, viable means of making money.

These poor, poor girls buy into this lie.

What ever happened to the teaching that God made male and female in His image?

America — America’s school systems — America’s teachers — America’s political leaders — America’s business and tech leaders — America’s head honchos in media — America’s parents are all failing America’s youth with such egregious, even wicked teachings.

There will be an accounting one day.

There is a reckoning to come.

If we want a society that’s morally proper, if we want a country that’s guided by law and order and standards of behavior that elevate the spirit rather than spoil and squash the soul — if we want a nation that fosters the best of humanity, not the worst — we must stop teaching our girls to behave like prostitutes. We must stop teaching our youth that their talents lie in their ability to fuel lust.

We must teach them who they are in Christ, not who they are in secular culture. 

And simply put, God did not form anyone in the womb to become a sex worker.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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