- The Washington Times - Monday, December 27, 2021

The gift of Christmas really is in the receiving. Or, at least, that is what we tell ourselves as we gobble through mountains of wrapping paper and greedily snap up all the warm socks, bottles of whiskey and gift cards this time of year.

But it really is true. In joyfully receiving gifts, we allow others to romp in the joy of giving.

And, so, it is only right and fitting that we give a little shoutout to President Biden this Christmas as we close out the first year of his historically disastrous presidency.

Nobody has taken more incoming from the American people. Now, obviously, it has all been richly deserved, but still …

I mean, even Christmas carolers were shouting “F—k Joe Biden!” this year.

Okay, they were not exactly shouting “F—k Joe Biden!” They are too classy for that. But they were punctuating Silent Night and Noel with refrains of “Let’s go, Brandon!” — the universal G-rated, church version of “F—k Joe Biden!”

Let’s go, Brandon!

Truly, putting the LGB in LGBTQ.

At least you can’t say Mr. Biden hasn’t unified America. Despite his very best efforts to divide us, everyone this year is uniting around this simple Yule Tide refrain.

Let’s go, Brandon!

It has all been so unifying that even Mr. Biden himself cannot help but get in on the action — devolving into outright self-heckling.

 “Merry Christmas, and let’s go, Brandon!” Oregon father Jared Schmeck hollered to Mr. Biden and first lady Jill Biden as they were calling around the country checking on Santa’s travels.

Mrs. Biden cringed a little, but her husband — leader of the free world — got caught up in the infectious enthusiasm.

“Let’s go, Brandon! I agree,” Mr. Biden replied.

To be fair, it was not entirely clear that Mr. Biden had any idea what was going on or what he was saying. But at least he has the key codes to the largest nuclear arsenal on earth.

Speaking of self-heckling, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain took time out of his busy holiday cheer to step on a rake on Twitter.

“A look back at 2021!” he wrote, pushing out a story in The Wall Street Journal by Albert Hunt, one of the most calcified white-haired media gargoyles still alive in Washington today.

“Let’s be honest: 2021 wasn’t all bad,” Mr. Hunt opined in an apparent effort to give Mr. Biden some company on the memory care floor of the political Old Folks Home in Washington.

Mr. Hunt’s only coherent argument was that 2021 was the year that former President Donald Trump left office. Okay.

Pretty weak. But Mr. Hunt’s argument comes entirely unhinged after that. Basically, he claimed, 2021 was a smashing year because America withdrew from Afghanistan, Bob Dole died, and we are now enjoying a “scandal-free” Biden administration.


LGB and OMG.

Seriously, what planet are these people on? 

Afghanistan withdrawal? 

Yeah, and that was Santa’s sleigh all those civilians were clinging to as it lifted off from Kabul. Merry Christmas, infidels!

And “scandal-free?”

How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Chinese?

Oh, that’s right. You don’t. But you can always tell when somebody just said “Merry Christmas” by the gunshot. And if you keep saying it, the tanks will roll in.

Forever 2021!

And, let’s go, Brandon!

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times.

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