- Wednesday, December 22, 2021

There’s new polling out, and it is not encouraging for President Biden. A recent Wall Street Journal poll showed 57% of voters disapprove of the job Mr. Biden is doing. Even worse for him, the poll found a near majority of voters “strongly disapprove” of Mr. Biden’s job performance, compared to only 19% who strongly approve.

The WSJ poll is no anomaly, as much as Mr. Biden would like it to be. It’s squarely in line with a slew of other polls showing Mr. Biden’s approval rating underwater by double digits. Perhaps most tellingly, a USA Today poll revealed that two-thirds of voters — including nearly a third of Democrats — don’t want Mr. Biden to run for reelection.

It’s little wonder that Americans aren’t buying the bill of goods Mr. Biden is selling. They know their everyday reality contradicts the spin and rosy rhetoric coming out of this White House. Take the economy, where Mr. Biden continues to insist everything is going according to plan. The data says otherwise.

This month, the Labor Department reported that consumer prices surged 6.2% in November. That’s the sharpest spike in almost 40 years, and it’s a direct repudiation of Mr. Biden’s reckless tax-and-spend policies. Rising prices are driving Americans’ real wages down. This isn’t a “high-class problem” like Mr. Biden’s Chief of Staff claims. Families are being forced to cut back and change their habits because of the rising cost of everyday life in Mr. Biden’s America.

Americans aren’t just paying drastically more for essentials like gas and groceries — this holiday season is also going to be the most expensive in history. It’s clear Mr. Biden’s inflation tax is hitting less fortunate Americans the hardest. Meanwhile one of the biggest elements of Mr. Biden’s unpopular Build Back Broke agenda? A massive tax break for millionaires and billionaires living in blue states like New York and California. Voters are taking notice. Seven in 10 voters disapprove of how Mr. Biden is handling skyrocketing prices that are anything but temporary.

It isn’t only the economy where Mr. Biden has proven to be a complete failure. The crisis at the southern border continues to rage on month after month. The human cost of Mr. Biden’s open-borders agenda is real and it is heartbreaking. This month more than 50 Central American migrants headed for the U.S. were killed when the truck they were packed in overturned. 

Then, this month, a human smuggler running illegal immigrants killed an innocent mother and her daughter in Mission, Texas, when he crashed his car into theirs. Tragedies like these would be far less frequent if Mr. Biden stopped greenlighting illegal immigration and simply returned to the secure-border policies we saw under former President Donald Trump.

Americans living in border communities aren’t the only ones increasingly in danger. Twelve major Democrat-run cities just reported record-high homicide figures this year. Police captains are comparing their city streets to “war zones.” And yet Mr. Biden still won’t call out Democrats’ dangerous defund-the-police agenda for fear of angering the likes of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the socialist squad.

What has the left really concerned headed into 2022 is that Mr. Biden’s failures are dragging his fellow Democrats down with him. A new CNBC poll shows Republicans are leading Democrats on the generic congressional ballot by a whopping 10 points. That’s the largest GOP advantage ever recorded, and it spells doom for swing district Democrats all across America come next November.

Support from voters that Democrats have long taken for granted is also dwindling. Hispanic voters are now evenly split between Republicans and Democrats ahead of 2022, according to a WSJ poll. It’s just more evidence of the strong shift in Hispanic Republican support we started seeing in 2020 — support the Republican National Committee is continuing to build on through opening Hispanic community engagement centers across the country.

The polling confirms voters are fed up with Mr. Biden’s failures. After a year of Biden-driven decline, Americans are looking for a positive, forward-looking alternative. Fortunately, that is exactly what Republicans are delivering. Republicans lead 17 of the top 20 states for jobs recovered since the pandemic. It’s the same story regarding unemployment, where 16 of the 20 states with the lowest unemployment rates are Republican-run.

These examples of results-driven leadership are why Virginians just elected a Republican statewide ticket for the first time in over a decade last month. And it’s a trend that will continue into next year when a red wave comes crashing down on Democrats in the 2022 midterms.

• Tommy Hicks Jr. is co-chair of the Republican National Committee.

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