- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 16, 2021

Flatten the curve — it’s a phrase that’s a whisper from days gone by.

Remember when Dr. Anthony Fauci vowed that the coronavirus-related crackdowns would last only so long as the curve reflecting positive case counts was on the upswing? When the whole coronavirus clampdown chaos hinged on the idea that Americans would only have to suffer the loss of civil liberties until the curve was flattened?

Even back then, even in these early stages, these medical bureaucrats knew they were selling a lie. They knew that the normal course of virus progression included its potential to spread in many different ways, and to morph into many different variants. They knew what they didn’t know, in other words. Yet the messaging through the media to the American people was constantly: Stay home, stay out of work, stay out of church, stay out of school for just two weeks — and then the test case positive curve will flatten to the point where the country can resume normalcy.

They knew they couldn’t make any such guarantees.

They knew.

And later on, they knew that when the coronavirus was spreading across the nation, that the ones most seriously impacted included almost entirely the elderly, the frail and those with other health conditions. Yet they pretended as if a 10-year-old school child were as at-risk as an 80-year-old diabetes sufferer — and clamped down freedoms on all accordingly.

Two weeks to flatten the curve? What a joke.

The coronavirus has proven a too-good-to-let-go opportunity for Democrats, socialists, cultural Marxists, globalists and the politically elite to exert their powers, flex their authorities and run roughshod over civil liberties.

Never let a crisis go to political waste?

Never let a crisis become less than a crisis, is more like it. Democrats, under the authoritarian leadership of President Biden, are making sure this coronavirus doesn’t go away.

They’re willing to lie to keep the crisis at crisis stage.

“Those who aren’t vaccinated are the ones that continue to spread the diseases,” Biden just said to a local news crew in Ohio. “And so we should think of [vaccination] as a patriotic duty.”

He also vowed to keep the fight for vaccine mandates alive in court.

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Biden said. “Not the vaccinated — the unvaccinated. That’s the problem.”

Actually, the problem is that politicians are lying about the coronavirus. 

The government’s own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledged, openly and publicly and for a very long time, that the vaccines are not 100 percent effective at either preventing infection in the vaccinated or at stopping the spread of the virus to others.

Biden must know this.

These are called the breakthrough coronavirus cases, and they’re widely reported.

“High number of breakthrough cases across some Massachusetts hospitals,” Beckers Hospital Review just wrote a few days ago.

“COVID breakthrough infections soar in Massachusetts,” Boston 25 News wrote back in August.

“Breakthrough COVID cases a rising percent of TN total,” WJHL in Tennessee wrote this week.

And these numbers are vastly underreported. Why? Simple; ‘cause healthy people don’t generally go to the doctors to get tested for a sickness, that’s why.

So many of these so-called breakthrough cases are completely without symptoms or sick feelings.

“The CDC Only Tracks a Fraction of Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases,” ProPublica wrote in August.

Yet to Biden — to Biden and the rest on the left with Biden-type Big Government mentalities — the coronavirus isn’t just today’s top crisis. The delta variant, the omnicron variant and whatever other variant to come are today’s top crises.

The coronavirus is never-ending.

And that’s just how the left wants it.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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