America is not suffering from a crisis of foreign-election interference, nor is it suffering from a crisis of democracy. The only crisis facing America, our government, every mainstream “fake news” outlet, and our political and election integrity is the never-ending crisis of Hillary Clinton.

As Rowan Scarborough, Kimberley Strassel, Mollie Hemingway and others have explained bravely, John Durham’s indictments prove to the world what most Americans knew all along: Crooked Hillary harnessed her army of Clinton-paid lawyers, three-letter Washington agencies, DNC journalists and foreign operatives to concoct the entire Russian-collusion hoax whilst politically scorching the earth of every Trump administration member as ongoing political revenge.

Not even Satan is this evil.

Thankfully, a trail of durable evidence indicting crooked Hillary’s abuses of power are raising more questions throughout Washington and the world. Do not be fooled by her newly staged media comeback, book tours or latest display of crocodile tears, amplified so disgustingly by her “Clinton News Network” collusion hoax partners.

To save America in 2022 and 2024, Republicans must focus totally on proving to 75 million disenfranchised voters exactly how crooked Hillary continues to abuse her deep-state powers, blatantly lie to the American people and maintain more backroom control of our entire legal, intelligence and media communities than even the White House.

Wake up, GOP. Voters who are actually alive and have valid IDs are sick and tired of filthy Hillary Clinton getting away with everything right under everyone’s noses.

The only crisis facing America is a lack of unified Republican focus on how every new Clinton-concocted “crisis of democracy” and fabricated political hoax somehow leads directly back to an FBI-DOJ-protected basement in Chappaqua, New York.


Charleston, S.C.

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