- The Washington Times - Monday, December 13, 2021

“Saturday Night Live” kicked off the Christmas season with a “Hip-Hop Nativity” segment that set Mary as a stripper, Joseph as the “baby daddy” and Jesus as a twerking infant.

Blasphemous and unfunny.

How about next week the cast of SNL mock Islam in a similar manner and put a diapered Mohammed in a rocking hillbilly tune having a butt-shaking good time?

But they wouldn’t dare.

Here’s how “SNL” showcased the segment: Joseph, as “baby daddy,” was shown as a “pimp” in training — that is, learning to walk like a pimp. Baby Jesus was encouraged to “focus on his twerking.” And Mother Mary, meanwhile, was told to dance around a candy-cane stripper pole.

That’s Christmas, leftist style.

It’s been a long time since “Saturday Night Live” could call itself funny; even longer since it could lay claim to being relevant. But why dig so deep to offend?

Of the 330 million or so Americans, more than 200 million call themselves Christian. That’s not to say all are practicing, Bible-believing, biblically focused Christians. But it is to say that of all the religions in the world, Christianity dominates in this country.

And while satanists and secularists and humanists and atheists like to point out that the roots of Christmas are hardly Christ-focused in nature, the fact is most Christians — and that means most of the people in America — actually celebrate to some degree the birth of humanity’s Savior on Dec. 25.

It’s beyond tasteless to take the sacred season and twist it toward the vulgar. It’s beyond classless to take the main nativity scene players — Mary, Joseph, Jesus — and degrade them with gross sexualization.

“SNL” staff should apologize.

But they won’t.

They won’t because in America, we’ve reached a point where it’s off-limits to joke about transgenders — as comedian Dave Chappelle has learned. But as for Christians? As for other segments of society scorned by the leftists who serve as humor police?

Have at it.

Nowadays, it’s quite OK to mock Christians, conservatives, White males and southerners — and to do so in as hostile, disgusting, obscene and crude as ways as possible. 

And since it’s now Christmas, it’s apparently open season on Jesus.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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