Last week was a disastrous one for Biden. His pitifull stumbling, stammering and slurring of speeches in Kansas City and and during Sen. Bob Dole’s Capitol Hill Rotunda remembrance showcased the extent to which his cognitive impairment has progressed.

Since Democrats control the House and Senate, the votes are not there to impeach and remove Biden from office. Yes, Biden has to go, but the alternative is an even bigger train wreck: Kamala Harris.

There is but one way to bring the U.S. out of this nightmare. The states involved in those highly suspicious voting activities in the 2020 presidential election — Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia — must decertify their results. Biden’s Electoral College tally would then fall below the 270 count necessary for the presidency.

The House of Representatives, under Article II, Section One, on a state delegation voting basis, would then name officers who would act as president and vice president until a new presidential election date were established by the House to remove the disability. Thereupon, a fair and credible election would be conducted, with both parties presenting their most favored candidates. There would be no ballot harvesting, no massive mail-in-ballot voting, no Mark Zuckerberg in the election process. The states would be allowed to enforce their respective election laws against the activities of exogenous political agents.

Biden and Harris would then be replaced with a legitimate president and vice president, and the true will of the American people would finally prevail.


Terre Haute, Ind.

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