The guilty verdict in the case of actor Jussie Smollett staging a race-baiting hate crime against himself to boost his acting career clearly indicates Smollett could not act his way out of this sticky wicket (“Jussie Smollett guilty in hate-crime hoax,” Web, Dec. 9). Jurors saw right through Smollett’s lies and attempt to fuel racial divisiveness. Smollett clearly fell short on his efforts of playing victim so he could bask in the spotlight.

However, for all the wrong reasons Smollett has taken center stage anyway. I think most people will agree justice has been served and precedent has been set in this case. But besides any jail time, Smollett owes $130,000 to the city of Chicago for the police investigation, which was solely based upon false statements. Merry Christmas!


Clearwater, Fla.

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