- The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Here’s a telling but disquieting new survey. Harvard University’s Institute of Politics surveyed 2,109 young Americans ages 18-29 on their political views and their perceptions of the U.S. as a nation. The results are not encouraging.

“A majority of young Americans believe that our democracy is in trouble or failing,” the poll analysis said, noting, however, that “78% say it’s important that the U.S. is a democracy in the first place.”

“Young Americans place the chances that they will see a second civil war in their lifetime at 35%; chances that at least one state secedes at 25%. Nearly half (46%) of young Republicans place the chances of a second civil war at 50% or higher, compared to 32% of Democrats, and 38% of independent and unaffiliated voters,” it continued.

“Level of education (27% among college students and those with degrees compared to 47% for others) and whether young people live in urban (33%), suburban (33%), rural (48%) or small town (51%) environments are all significant predictors.

“After turning out in record numbers in 2020, young Americans are sounding the alarm. When they look at the America they will soon inherit, they see a democracy and climate in peril — and Washington as more interested in confrontation than compromise,” said IOP Polling Director John Della Volpe in a statement.

See more numbers in the Poll du Jour at the column’s end.  


Questions about the fair outcome of the 2020 presidential election have provided a teachable moment for some Republicans, prompting them to step up to serve as poll workers in one pivotal location.

“Americans are standing up for honest elections. Republican turnout for election workers in Dane County, Wisconsin, is more than seven times the number of workers from the last election,” reports Joe Hoft, a contributing editor to Gateway Pundit.

Political parties in the county are required to submit their certified list of “election inspector nominees” by Nov. 30 of each year.

In 2019, 41 stepped forward on behalf of the Republican Party of Dane County. This time around, 318 want to serve in the role. Mr. Hoft suggests the future poll workers are still troubled by the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Then-candidate Joseph R. Biden won the state of Wisconsin by 0.624 percentage points out of nearly 3.3 million ballots cast that year, according to The Associated Press.

An audit followed, ultimately saying the election was “safe and secure,” though it made dozens of recommendations that could improve the procedures, according to the AP account. The negative feelings now appear to have yielded greater public involvement.

“The people of Wisconsin are livid with the stolen election and are taking their election process back from the corrupt Democrats and RINOs,” Mr. Hoft wrote, his acronym referring, of course, to “Republicans in name only.”


Former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin has advice for President Biden as the price of gas climbs — the national average price per gallon at the moment is $3.62 per gallon according to GasBuddy.com, an industry source.

“My slogan was ‘drill, baby, drill.’ It was true and necessary in 2008, and it’s needed now more than ever,” Ms. Palin wrote in an essay for Breitbart News.

“Why does Biden not want to produce here in America with American workers generating tax revenue for the American economy — where high paying jobs are created for American families and where we have stricter environmental and worker safety standards than anywhere else in the world? ‘Drill, baby, drill’ isn’t just a desire for more oil. It is a call for more of America. The only part of America where Biden wants more is in our tax dollars,” Ms. Palin advised.

“‘Drill, baby, drill’ is a call for less government and more trust in the American people. It’s a call for more America! That spirit was true in 1776 and is true today. The current energy crisis is entirely man-made by the politician currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” she later concluded.


Let us recall that then-presidential hopeful Joseph R. Biden had a message for the nation during a debate with then-President Trump on Oct. 22, 2020.

“We’re about to go into a dark winter,” Mr. Biden predicted, repeating his warning several times.

Some say Mr. Biden’s presidency is now a showcase for such a scenario.

“Throughout the presidential race of 2020 Joe Biden constantly spoke about a dark winter in the United States. In under 11 months into his presidency, fuel costs are at their highest point, and everyday food and goods have increased in price significantly,” points out Billy Prempeh — a Black conservative Republican and U.S. Air Force veteran running for Congress in New Jersey’s 9th District.

“For the first time in a long time many people will be unable to have their usual holiday dinners, many unable to get gifts for their children,” Mr. Prempeh told Inside the Beltway.  

“This will not be a dark winter, regardless of what Biden says. Myself and several members in our community have reached out to many in need of gifts and food for the holidays. America needs new leadership on all levels. America is a great country and we should never be in such a situation. America first before all else,” the candidate said.


39% of U.S. adults ages 18-29 years say the U.S. is a “democracy in trouble”; 47% of Republicans in this age group, 38% of the independents and 37% of the Democrats in the age group agree.

27% of young adults overall say the U.S. is a “somewhat functioning democracy”; 18% of Republicans, 25% of independents and 33% of Democrats agree.

13% of young adults overall say the U.S. is a “failed democracy”; 23% of Republicans, 13% of independents and 8% of Democrats agree.

7% of young adults overall say the U.S. is a “healthy democracy”; 5% of Republicans, 5% of independents and 7% of Democrats agree.

Source: A poll of 2,109 adults ages 18-to-29 years conducted by Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics/IPSOS Oct. 26-Nov. 8 and released Wednesday.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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