- Sunday, August 29, 2021

President Biden is a bungling disgrace as our commander and chief and should be removed from office immediately. He has left thousands of Americans behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. The lives and freedom of these American citizens’ are in the hands of America’s brutal enemy, the Taliban.

Clueless Joe pulled out the military before removing all U.S. civilians, foreign allies and Afghan citizens who supported America’s efforts. Thousands of people’s lives are now in jeopardy because of Biden’s disastrous lack of planning and his chaotic withdrawal.

The Biden administration has begged for the Taliban’s cooperation to give those wanting to leave Afghanistan safe passage to the Kabul airport. In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopulos recently, Biden insisted the draw-down in Afghanistan was a “simple choice,” and could not have been carried out more effectively. Stephanopoulos went on to ask whether he thought the exit could have been handled better. Biden’s reply: “No. The idea that somehow there’s a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing — I don’t know how that happens.”

Joe Biden has set Afghanistan on fire. He has turned over the fate of thousands of American citizens to vicious terrorist. What the world is watching is not American leadership, but a foolish man’s irresponsible stupidity. The devastating results will be felt for years to come.


Kokomo, Ind.

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