- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Gab News, in an email, wrote: “In light of the Biden Administration encouraging employers to mandate vaccines … Gab has created a No Vax Mandate Job Board group.”

More Gab, please.

This is how Americans can fight the unconstitutional, immoral, dictatorial Democrat-fueled weaponization of the free market against free citizens: by sidestepping the demands. By turning tables on the demanders.

By taking back the free market from the exploiters of the free market and offering options to citizens who are wearied by the government overreach and by the woke corporate culture and by complicit company do-gooders. 

If not now — when?

From a new Convention of States Action poll conducted with The Trafalgar Group — this: Almost 56% of Republican voters “say they are more likely to support a business that does not require vaccine mandates for employees — 43.1% say much more likely, 12.4% sat more likely.”

Meanwhile, just over 43% of independent voters “say they are more likely to support a business that does not require vaccine mandates for employees — 34.6% say much more likely, 8.6% say more likely.”

Democrats, of course, by and large support the mandates. That’s how they roll. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown just reimposed an outdoor face mask mandate on all citizens across the state, regardless of vaccine status. Democrats can’t help themselves; they can’t stop their nonsensical quests for control and power.

But some employers, thankfully, are stepping up and providing shelter from the coronavirus regulatory storm for employees who, for whatever reason, don’t want to take the shot but can’t afford to stop working on principle.

“This job board,” Gab News wrote, “is for sharing job openings that do not require employees to inject themselves with an experimental substance or violate their bodily autonomy and religious beliefs in order to retain employment. … At Gab, we do not require our employees to be vaccinated. In fact, we don’t pry into any of the personal health choices of our team because frankly, it’s none of our business.”

It’s none of the government’s business, either.

But Democrats are rapidly changing that equation so that all signs of individualism, all shows of individual choice, are squelched and made subservient to the demands of the collective.

America’s very foundations are shifting. It’s incumbent on citizens to see these shifts and resist, however possible. Gab’s job board is a solid step in the right direction.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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