- The Washington Times - Monday, August 23, 2021

The Food and Drug Administration’s expedited approval of the Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines is problematic because it gives the appearance of politics trumping safety, warned Sen. Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican, in a letter to the federal government’s top health bureaucrats sent out just hours before the approvals were rendered.

And with that comes yet one more reason American citizens should question-slash-fear vaccine mandates.

Why such a rush?

The numbers don’t justify the hurry. Rather, the opposite.

“Expediting the process appears to only serve the political purpose of imposing and enforcing vaccine mandates,” Johnson wrote.

That’s because there have been no long-term studies conducted on the safety of the vaccines. And no long-term studies have been conducted because not enough time has passed since vaccine development to allow for any long-term studies.

What we have seen in the short time, however, is enough to warrant concern, nay, even hesitancy about taking the shot.

As Johnson wrote: “Since the vaccines have been made available, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, has filled 12,791 deaths associated with the shots, 4,632 of which resulted in fatalities either on the day of vaccination, or within two days of taking the vaccine. That’s not to definitively say the vaccines caused these deaths. But doesn’t that warrant further study?”

“[T]his number of deaths, particularly with 36.2% occurring within 2 days of vaccination, should raise serious concerns,” he wrote.

Yes. Especially when those numbers are put into context with other vaccination-tied fatalities. For instance, in 31 years, the number of deaths related to vaccines reported to VAERS stands at a total of 8,966. 

Thirty. One. Years.

The COVID-19 vaccine’s got that beat by thousands, and in a matter of months.

Again: Doesn’t that warrant further study?

Again: Doesn’t that justify concern?

But watch and wait, look and see. The vaccine mandates are about to come like a tidal wave.

Natural immunity be danged.

Prior science about the efficacy of natural immunity be danged.

It’s shot or nothing; obey the government or suffer the consequences. And the willingness of Democrats and leftists to dangle freedoms as a condition of taking the vaccine in the faces of fearful and desperate citizens who want nothing more than a return to normalcy — well, it’s deplorable, that’s what it is. It’s government corruption-meet-government-usurpation at its worst.

Americans will pay a steep price, either in terms of physical health or in terms of losing civil liberties.

This coronavirus has been nothing but a boon for Big Government types to take over areas that better belong — that rightly belong — in the hands of the people. It’s a new world for America. Liberty lost is becoming our new national motto.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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