- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 19, 2021

The ultimate summation of President Biden’s administration, as captured in photos, will be those of Afghan women hurling their babies over barbed wire at the Kabul airport in desperate attempts for U.S. soldiers to fly them to safety.

Way to go, Joe. Way. To. Go.

“Amid desperate attempts by Afghans to flee the country as the Taliban takes charge, women have reportedly been throwing their babies over barbed fences, asking troops to catch them and take them to safety,” Yahoo! News wrote.

And this, from Sky News: “Desperate women throw babies over razor wire at compound,” read a recent headline.

The exit of America from Afghanistan didn’t have to go this way. President Donald Trump’s team had an evacuation plan that called for the safe removal of civilians first.

“Can anyone imagine taking out our military before evacuating civilians and others who have been good to our country and who should be allowed to seek refuge?” Trump said in a statement of Team Biden’s deplorable handling of Afghanistan, The Week wrote.

Heck, that’s not even Republican versus Democrat strategy or policy. That’s just common sense.

But the Biden administration has spent all of its White House days in office rabidly, lustily, determinately tearing down any piece of remaining Trump policy, so that by the time Afghanistan rolled around, the buck of anything MAGA was automatic and knee-jerk. The standard became: If Trump is for it, we’re against it.

That’s still the standard, it seems.

That’s why Biden won’t take responsibility for the current chaos in Afghanistan; he can’t suffer the idea that Trump’s way would have been the right way. His administration can’t stomach the notion of acknowledging defeat. His defense secretary can’t admit the mistakes made — and then move on to speedy solutions.

Peoples’ lives are at stake, for Pete’s sake. 

Thousands of lives; thousands of individuals promised protection by the U.S. forces, by the U.S. president, by the U.S. leadership. 

Biden, with a lick of an ice cream cone, threw them all under the bus.

So now we have women in Afghanistan chucking their kids into the arms of shocked U.S. military strangers.

That’s what happened at the fall of Saigon, too.

And that’s what Biden’s presidency will be remembered for — that’s his legacy: desperate women throwing crying babies across barbed wire to unknown fates. The elections can’t come fast enough.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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