- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 17, 2021

For a brief moment in time — four years, four Donald Trump years — the world’s heads of state respected America; the nation’s limited government types took a refreshing breather.

Then came President Biden, fresh from his basement, and within months, the Taliban took back Afghanistan. Inflation rose. The borders fell. And whispers of “food stamp president” began to bounce off the lips of begrudging taxpayers around the nation.

You can tell: A Democrat is back in charge.

This always happens when Democrats hold the key positions of power in the White House and in Congress — the world begins to rock, the foundations begin to shake, the stability and peace and comparative calm of better days begin to wither and disappear. But my, do the taxpayer dollars begin to flow. 

It happened under Jimmy Carter, with his double-digit inflation and gas lines and government cheese programs.

It happened under Barack Obama with his red-line foreign policy that ultimately handed Russia big wins with Syria — not to mention with a watching, mocking, anti-America world.

It’s happening now under Biden.

“Jen Psaki ‘out of the office’ as Biden remains silent on Taliban takeover of Afghanistan,” one Fox News headline ran.

Joe Biden faces calls to make public address on Afghanistan,” another headline from The Guardian stated.

“Biden’s botched Afghan exit is a disaster at home and abroad long in the making,” yet another headline from CNN read.

Where was Joe while all this chaos was cracking?

You’d have better luck finding Waldo.

Honestly, this White House shows more aggression against Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida over face mask mandates than against Taliban members who now seek to enforce Shariah Law on the poor Afghan people America promised to protect. 

“The mission at this point out to be simple: Bolster American troops and firepower until we can get flights running around the clock,” Sen. Ben Sasse, a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, said in a statement. “The Taliban must not dictate when every last American, our courageous Afghan partners and their families are off the tarmac.”

Good points, all. And Biden, to his credit, sent back some American troops to help instill order during evacuations. 

But wasn’t the administration warned this would happen? That without a cohesive, strong, strategic, strong, well-organized, strong exit plan — that all hell would break loose? The devil is in the word “strong.” It’s just not something Democrats understand.

Biden, months ago, made it clear he wasn’t going to issue any conditions to the Taliban for America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. Talk about tipping your hand. He might as well have handed out the AR-15s, courtesy of the red, white and blue: “Dear Taliban, take care not to shoot your eye out.”

At the least, Biden could’ve hung around to address the damage his weak policies have done. Instead, his minions, — the ones not on vacation, that is — issued weak statements blaming a weak Afghan army. What a weak, weak, weak response from a weak, weak, weak president.

And don’t think the South Koreans and Taiwanese people aren’t watching with rising alarm and fear.

Democrat leadership in America means weakness — and the whole world knows it. The world’s aggressors simply wait for it to come, then pounce.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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