- The Washington Times - Monday, August 16, 2021

The “Big Three” broadcast networks continue to push a liberal bias and protect the White House, says a new report. Coverage of the immigration crisis on CBS, NBC and ABC has dropped by 96% in recent weeks, according to a new report from the Media Research Center.

“The illegal immigration influx along the U.S. southern border has worsened every month since President Biden took office, but the liberal broadcast networks have essentially stopped covering the crisis,” wrote Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

The report discovered that this slowdown was timely indeed — occurring just as U.S. Customs and Border Protection reveals that the number of undocumented immigrants crossing the border reached a 21-year high in July.

“But while the reality along the border is worse than ever, combined coverage of the crisis on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts has slowed to a trickle: Just four minutes and 20 seconds for the entire month of July (including weekends), down an astonishing 96% from the Biden-era peak of 113 minutes in March,” Mr. Noyes said.

“On August 12, when the terrible July border statistics were released, none of the three broadcast evening newscasts bothered to even mention them — but all three found time for the latest developments in the legal soap opera surrounding singer Britney Spears,” the analyst also noted.

The decline in coverage of the border crisis began in April, dropping 61% to a total of 44 minutes between the three networks that month, and falling further in May, with just 26 minutes of coverage.

“In June, evening news coverage actually rose to 54 minutes, but half of that (27 minutes) was devoted to Vice President Kamala Harris’ trips that month to Guatemala and Mexico, and then the Texas-Mexico border,” Mr. Noyes said.

That was a fluke, though.

“In July, the ’NBC Nightly News’ generated just 3 minutes, 43 seconds of border coverage, while ABC’s ’World News Tonight’ managed a mere 37 seconds. That’s still better than the ’CBS Evening News,’ which never mentioned the migrant crisis at all in July,” he noted.


Rep. Richard Hudson is a North Carolina Republican whose constituency includes Fort Bragg — home of the Army Special Operations Command, which oversees the U.S. Army 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) and the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Here are his thoughts on the crisis in Afghanistan.

“The Taliban’s takeover of Kabul represents a total failure of leadership from President Biden and his administration. Reminiscent of Saigon, images of Taliban with American rifles and equipment are an insult to American taxpayers and so many heroes who lost their lives there, as well as their Gold Star families,” says Mr. Hudson, who also issued a warning about the situation on April 13, after Mr. Biden announced his decision to withdraw U.S. troops.

“President Biden’s decision to set an arbitrary, political deadline to withdraw troops from Afghanistan threatens stability in the region and is an insult to the men and women who gave their lives there. This is the same defeatist foreign policy that we saw from the Obama-Biden administration when withdrawing from Iraq which led to the ISIS caliphate,” the lawmaker said at the time.


“Afghanistan is the most embarrassing military outcome in the history of the United States. It didn’t have to be that way!” former President Donald Trump said in a statement Monday.


A new and very specific Fox News poll reveals that the majority of Democratic voters are comfortable with socialism — quite comfortable, in fact.

And the numbers: A third of all registered U.S. voters — 32% — now have a favorable opinion of socialism. Among Republicans, 7% agree, as do 29% of independents and 56% of Democrats. And from the ideological point of view, the poll also found that 12% of conservatives, 32% of moderates and 63% of liberals also agree.

“I think that would be the ideal prerogative and direction in terms of where we’re going to go for our national agenda,” a woman named Anya told the network during an on-the-street interview in Washington, D.C.

“It’s not the American way,” another man countered.

The Fox News poll of 1,002 registered U.S. voters was conducted Aug. 7-10.


Turning Point USA — a nonprofit, conservative grassroots activist network for college students — has just launched the “School Board Watchlist.”

The new project intends to identify “radical actors in America’s public school system” who promote certain ideologies before a very large audience — some 50.6 million students attend 98,469 public schools, the organization points out.

“So-called social justice activists have been masquerading as teachers and school board members for decades, indoctrinating our children to hate America, despise the flag, renounce or despise their own culture, their own skin color, and even deny their own gender,” Charlie Kirk, founder and president of the organization, said in a statement.

“We must be willing to meet that challenge directly,” he noted.

Curious? Find the new outreach at SchoolBoardWatchlist.org.


• 75% of U.S. adults plan to attend holiday events like a barbecue, beach visit, sporting event or fireworks over the Labor Day holiday.

• 53% will travel during the period.

• 46% are concerned about contracting COVID-19 when considering Labor Day plans.

• 37% are concerned about spreading the virus “unknowingly,” 29% worry about face mask requirements, 20% about COVID-19 test or vaccine requirements.

• 17% are not worried about such issues.

SOURCE: The Vacationer/Survey Monkey poll of 571 U.S. adults polled Aug. 1-2 and released Aug. 16. Some questions were open-ended.

• Helpful information to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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