- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 8, 2021

A Black woman who went on BBC as a guest opposite Eric Bolling, the former Fox News and Sinclair Broadcasting Group host — and a White male — basically said that if you’re Republican, you’re racist; if you’re a White male, and profess to care about the Black community, you’re a liar.

This is exactly what’s wrong with Democrats in America. They throw the race card wherever, whenever, at whomever they can, without care, concern or consideration for how wrong, how very wrong, they are — or how stupid it makes them sound.

Can’t make a logical argument? Accuse the other side of being racist. Can’t defend your view with facts? Label your verbal sparring opponent a racist.

It’s getting old. Actually, it’s way past old. It’s disgusting, in-the-gutter, low-level politicking aimed at inciting the low-information voter, the non-thinking bleaters. 

The BBC segment was supposed to be about Georgia’s new voting laws — the ones the leftists of the nation, under the ridiculous assertions of President Biden, have labeled Jim Crow (despite the fact the laws don’t target Blacks in the least).

BBC guest Aisha Mills called out Bolling as a liar for purporting to care about Blacks, about Black communities, or about Black businesses.

“I think it’s really rich for any Republican, especially a White man, to run around and claim they care about the economic condition of Black communities and Black businesses when that’s all a lie,” Mills said, The Hill reported.

So all Republicans are racist; all White males are racist.

This is a toxic line of public debate because it shuts down all countering viewpoints. And bingo, that’s why leftists use it so frequently. They can’t make a case based on facts, so they toss out the most emotionally charged verbal bombs they can find, so as to put the other side on the immediate defensive. What a conversation changer; it goes from debating election law to crying out, “I’m not a racist!” Bolling had the good sense to walk off set.

BBC should’ve had the better sense to toss Mills from the set and apologize to viewers.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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