- Sunday, April 4, 2021

Let me see if I have this straight: ’Woke’ corporate executives James Quincey of the Coca-Cola Co. and Ed Bastian of Delta Airlines are pandering to the radical left, threatening to boycott Georgia over its new election laws. But at the same time these social warriors have no problem doing business with China, a country that holds a million or more Muslim Uighurs in re-education camps.

President Biden lied repeatedly over this election law. He claimed the law changed the election closing time to 5 p.m. This is a lie. The Election Day opening and closing times are 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. He claimed that people couldn’t be given water while waiting in line. The truth is you cannot give water to people waiting in line if you are electioneering. What a silly statement by our president. People waiting in line can bring their own water, yet Mr. Biden acted like this was a life-threatening situation where people could die of thirst. Even the liberal Washington Post gave Mr. Biden four Pinocchios for his comments on the new Georgia election law.

Mr. Biden’s home state of Delaware has much more restrictive election laws. Mr. Biden, does that make your home state racist? The truth is the new election laws open up more opportunities for voters to vote. The problem the Democrats have with it is that it increases election integrity by assuring mail-in ballots and in-person voters are legally voting with valid IDs.

America, aren’t you getting tired of the Democratic hysteria and claims of racism and White supremacy?


Kokomo, Ind.

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