- Sunday, April 4, 2021

I’m no Bible thumper by any stretch of the imagination, but I have studied religion over the past 40 years, which makes me think that President Biden is the antichrist leading his brainwashed minion sociopaths down the road to kill American democracy as we know it.

To me, “antichrist” means someone totally unfamiliar with the concepts of right and wrong. In other words, we say killing is wrong but the Democrats will let killers out of jail just to be arbitrary.

Having said that, Mr. Biden is the definition of contrariness. He lies with impunity, saying he wants unity — and the gullible believe him as he pits one side against the other with his socialist policies.

Whether by design or just dumb luck, this country is being led down the path of destruction through wokeism, cancel culture and stupid people who hate the God-given freedoms that many of us have fought and died for.

I for one wonder how long it will be before we implode under duress from over-taxation, the removal of laws that protect us and the weak leadership coming from the mentally challenged leader in the White House. If Mr. Biden continues his far-left policies with no restraint, we are doomed.


Warrenville, S.C.

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