- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 28, 2021

President Biden’s border policy of letting in illegals and messaging for more to come has created a situation at the border the liberal-leaning New York Times can’t even deny — that these people aren’t tested for COVID-19 and that’s putting plenty at risk.

More double standards from the White House.

American citizens get the clampdown, shutdown, stay-at-home, social distance at all costs, face mask the children message from Team Biden. American citizens get the lectures on the vaccinations. American citizens get the scoldings on the double masking, on the hand washing, on the face masking even after vaccination.

Illegals hoping to score at the border get taxpayer-funded hotels, food and shelter, and are largely left alone when it comes to COVID-19 testing, masking and social distancing. They get to make up their own minds, in other words. They get the freedom to make their own health choices. They’re allowed the liberty the legal U.S. citizens are supposed to have at birth.

“The Border Patrol says it has insufficient time and space to conduct coronavirus testing at crowded processing stations,” The New York Times wrote. “Officials in border cities fear further spread of the virus.”

Well, no du’oh on that.

If borders are open, illegals will come.

If they’re not tested for diseases, how are Americans to know whether they’re bringing and spreading diseases?

And this isn’t even about just the health and safety of American citizens. It’s about the health and safety of illegals coming to America, only to be herded into areas with other illegals — with others who are similarly untested for COVID-19.

If just one COVID-19-positive illegal is housed among the healthy, the risk of infecting all is huge.

“More than 170,000 migrants crossed the border in March — many coming from countries still grappling with high infection rates — but the Border Patrol is conducting no testing for the coronavirus during the several days that the newly arrived migrants are in U.S. custody except in cases where migrants show obvious symptoms,” The Times wrote.

This is not a failure of border agents.

This is a failure of leadership in the White House.

The president of the United States is tasked with upholding the security of this nation and that includes — as all the emergency coronavirus-tied orders issued in recent months would indicate — dealing with health threats. There’s a health threat at the border. It’s called illegal immigration. And the solution is simple: If there aren’t resources to test and isolate each and every health threat, then the borders must be closed.

That’s what a leader who cared about stopping the spread of coronavirus would do.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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