- The Washington Times - Monday, April 26, 2021

President Biden rose to the White House on a wave of promises — some well-defined, some all smoke and mirrors, but all promises to the people just the same. 

And he’s failed to deliver on most all of them.

In this respect, he scores a Promise Point, though: Biden did campaign on being the opposite of President Donald Trump.

Even the left-leaning media can’t completely cover for Biden on his bungles — though kudos for the try. NPR, for instance, failed to affix any fail label to Biden’s failures, instead labeling the failures “not yet achieved,” or “dropped,” or — and this is the golden egg — “it’s complicated.”

That last is code for “it’s too complicated to cover for Biden’s fail, so we’ll just go ahead and call the entire topic complicated.”

Among Biden’s Done List — according to NPR: Biden put together a coronavirus task force. Biden pushed for coronavirus legislation. Biden released a vaccine distribution plan. Biden rejoined the World Health Organization; Biden kept Dr. Anthony Fauci on as top coronavirus adviser.

On that last — really?

Failing to fire someone hardly an accomplishment makes.

All of these listed 100-day successes are thin because they’re really extensions of what Trump had already done — save for the WHO matter. And Trump was quite right to remove America from the WHO; it was sucking up American tax dollars for no good American benefit.

Biden’s also “organized a climate world summit,” set up a task force “to reunite children and parents separated at the border,” cut up an executive order or two from the previous administration and — laughably in this list — increased “government supervision over U.S. border and immigration agencies.” By condemning U.S. border and immigration agents?

Here are the It’s Complicated: Make DACA permanent. Stop families from being torn apart at the border. Defund the wall. Put America First on world climate change. And yada yada, more liberal stuff.

Biden has not yet “pick[ed] up the pieces of Donald Trump’s broken foreign policy” — whatever that means — or reversed Trump’s corporate tax cut. Since when can raising taxes go in the win column, even for Democrats?

The most notable accomplishment of Biden’s administration is that he has managed to weaken America’s presence and image on the global stage, setting up the coming months and years as dangerous times for our allies and the allies of our allies — and, thanks to his lone wolf face masking during a videotaped call with world leaders, made us the laughing stock of our enemies.

That’s quite enough “accomplishments” for Biden’s 100 days. At this rate, America won’t survive the next 100.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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