- Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Maj. Gen. William T. Cooley story is more than what has been reported in the press (“Air Force general faces sexual assault charge in rare court-martial,” Web, April 22). Gen. Cooley and his family have known for decades the woman he is alleged to have assaulted. She and her husband were family friends of the Cooleys and Gen. Cooley’s parents. On the night of the alleged incident in August 2018, Gen. Cooley was in Albuquerque, New Mexico, visiting his parents.

The night of the alleged aassault he had gone to a pool party at the home of the woman and her husband, and alcohol was served. The incident occurred in the accuser’s car while she was driving Gen. Cooley back to his parents’ house. She did not file a police report.

Up until today I thought the two-month news blackout meant the general would not be court-martialed because the Air Force had found the charges without merit, or it had handled the matter quietly and were going to let Gen. Cooley retire. Of course, now Gen. Cooley’s name is tarnished, whether he’s guilty or not, for all eternity — while the alleged victim remains anonymous, unless the news media decides she deserves to be outed as was done in the false Duke University lacrosse team gang-rape allegations of several years ago.

Only a “woke” military would have given these trivial allegations against Gen. Cooley the time of day. The trial will be like a bad soap opera. If he is convicted, considering the non-serious magnitude of these charges, he should only get a written reprimand and should then be allowed to retire.

Meanwhile, the whole thing will cost the taxpayers at least $1 million.


Judge Advocate General’s Corps, U.S. Navy (retired)

Alexandria, Va.

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