- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 15, 2021

“White supremacy is weaved into our founding documents and principles,” President Joe Biden’s U.N. ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the National Action Network yesterday.

Our UN ambassador, who is supposed to promote American interests around the world, is telling our global enemies just how awful the U.S. is, using Chinese Communist Party talking points.

Just last month, a Chinese delegation in Alaska told our top diplomats the U.S. had no moral authority to lecture them on their human rights abuses because of the civil unrest happening in our own country.

There is no doubt our nation is going through a domestic reckoning, with race-based riots occurring for the fourth night in a row in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, after a white police officer accidentally shot and killed a black man during a traffic stop. Yet, instead of trying to quell these tensions, high-level Biden administration officials and appointees seem to want to stoke the fire. 

Kristen Clarke, Biden’s nominee to head the Department of Justice’s civil rights chief has described a number of American institutions as racist, including police departments, federal agencies, workplaces, America’s DNA, the healthcare industry, federal courts and even the Department of Justice, where she’s slatted to work. 

Ms. Clarke perpetuated the lie that Jacob Blake, the 29-year-old Black man who was shot last year by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin and sparked days of rioting, was “unarmed” on social media. He was carrying a knife on his person. She also wrote an opinion piece last year in Newsweek titled: “I prosecuted police killings. Defund the police – but be strategic.”

She wrote: “I advocate for defunding policing operations that have made African Americans more vulnerable to police violence and contributed to mass incarceration, while investing more in programs and policies that address critical community needs.”

Yet, during her confirmation hearing, she vowed she would never jump to conclusions in a case, and said she opposed defunding the police. Republican lawmakers were correct to conclude her answers weren’t credible, based on her recent, public history.

Ms. Clarke is not alone. Vanita Gupta, who has been nominated to become associate attorney general at the DOJ — the No. 3 position — has also advocated defunding the police.

Ms. Gupta testified last July to the Senate Judiciary Committee that it was “critical for state and local leaders to heed calls from Black Lives Matter and Movement for Black Lives activists to decrease police budgets and the scope, role and responsibility of police in our lives” and called for “shifting our approach to public safety away from exclusive investments in criminalization and policing toward investments in economic opportunity, education, health care and other public benefits.”

During the same testimony, Ms. Gupta also said she supported ending qualified immunity for police officers, which shields them from personal lawsuits.
Not surprisingly, during her confirmation hearing, Ms. Gupta backtracked on both positions.

Still, during the height of the Black Lives Matter movement and riots last summer, both Ms. Gupta and Ms. Clarke both chose to inflame tensions, not to bring the rhetoric down. 

After the 2020 elections, many moderate Democrats voiced concern the defund the police movement cost them many key down-ballot races. It seems the majority of people — no matter their skin-color — want to be able to call on the police in an emergency and want to live in safe neighborhoods.

If President Biden wanted to quell domestic unrest, he would take a hard stance against the rioting happening in our major cities, and would aggressively condemn leaders in his own party like Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who called for the end of policing in the wake of the Minnesota shooting. He hasn’t.

Mr. Biden has stayed quietly on the sidelines letting the most radical elements of his party dominate. He’s nominated individuals to high-level positions within his administration who believe in the defund movement and has a UN ambassador who believes fundamentally this country was founded on White Supremacy. 

He’s allowing this divisive unrest to take root in America’s culture and at the same time, undermining our position on the world stage. 

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