- Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Other than the leftists and their army, President Biden does not have support for his court-packing scheme. Furthermore, he does not have authority to do it. For the constitutionally challenged, which apparently includes Mr. Biden and his comrades, there are three equal branches of government. There are checks and balances on each of them to prevent domination by one or the other two.

The U.S. Constitution clearly states that the president selects and appoints justices with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Constitution also indicates that Congress, not the president, determines the number of justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. FDR sought to change that number because the justices had ruled unconstitutional several of his New Deal laws. Given the legislation that Mr. Biden has proposed — and in some cases, that Congress has passed — he also seeks to pack the court for the same reason.

It is an outrage, a threat to the republic and a blatant example of presidential overreach for Mr. Biden to “appoint” a commission to prepare a rubber-stamp report for him recommending that the number of judges be expanded.

If the Supreme Court were to appoint a commission to study whether Mr. Biden should be removed from office, there would be a huge outcry from the leftists, the “woke” mob, the media and members of Congress who have jettisoned their oath to support the president and his actions. Removal of the president is the province of Congress (for incapacity or high crimes and misdemeanors) as well as that of the American people for dissatisfaction with his or her performance.


Silver Spring, Md.

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