- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Vice President Kamala Harris’ absence from the crisis at the southern U.S. border with Mexico has landed her on a “Missing Children”-inspired milk carton.

The Democrat’s visage was captured on the carton Wednesday prior to comments on the migrant debacle by Minority Whip Steve Scalise.

Punchbowl News founder Jake Sherman shared the Louisiana Republican’s prop against a political backdrop in which Democrats have been accused of downplaying or ignoring border chaos.

“It doesn’t seem they have much of an answer to the crisis at the border,” Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said April 9 of the Biden administration’s handling of the issue. “When the president first said he was putting Kamala Harris, his vice president, in charge of the border, the sense was that he was putting her in charge of the border, the whole issue. Then a day or so later the clarification came down that well, no, she is not in charge of the border, she is in charge of diplomacy with Mexico and with the northern triangle countries to try to stem the flow to the border.”

Mr. Scalise told reporters Wednesday that the onus was on the Biden administration to stem the tide of migrants because its policy shifts are directly related to the problem.

“It was exclusively created by President Biden,” the congressman said. “With the stroke of a pen, right when he took the oath of office, undid policies that were working to control our southern border. It had a ripple effect that immediately in people coming by the thousands-a-day illegally across the Rio Grande and other parts of our southern border.”

The White House has denied that any crisis exists.

“Children presenting at our border who are fleeing violence, who are fleeing prosecution, who are fleeing terrible situations is not a crisis,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on March 22. “We feel that it is our responsibility to humanely approach this circumstance.”

Ms. Harris said Wednesday that she will ultimately travel to Mexico and Guatemala in the near future to identify the “root causes” of the flow of migrants.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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