- Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Rep. Rashida Tlaib made an erroneous and idiotic comment on Twitter following the shooting of a 20-year-old Black man by a police officer in Minnesota (“’Squad’ member demands ’no more policing’ after Daunte Wright death: ’It can’t be reformed,’” Web, April 12). It seems the officer shot and killed the man, Daunte Wright, by mistake. She has been fired. It was reported that the officer meant to use a stun gun but instead had an actual gun.

It is difficult to see how such a mistake could have been made, but apparently there are Tasers shaped like guns with similar-size handles. But this is not clear. In a video, the officer can be heard saying, “Taser! Taser!” However, she was holding a gun.

Ms. Tlaib blames this on racism and claims that all police have to be stopped. She says all police officers are racist and none can be reformed.

Even Nancy Pelosi tried to silence Ms. Tlaib by saying, “You are not a one-person show.” I think whenever the media discusses Ms. Tlaib’s tweet, they should also mention all the people who corrected it. The story is very complex.


Virginia Beach, Va.

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