- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 13, 2021

California’s political elites put a chain-link fence around a restaurant in Burbank because the owners refused to obey coronavirus clampdowns.

If only Democrats were as strict with illegal border crossers.

Imagine. America would be safe and secure for decades to come.

“Tinhorn Flats Saloon & Grill in Burbank was barricaded off from the public to prevent the owners from operating after a court ordered the electricity to be shut off,” The Daily Caller wrote.

That’s the latest in a long-running face-off the restaurant owners have engaged in against city officials. In February, the Burbank City Council voted to revoke the owners’ operating permit because the owners refused to abide by the ban from Los Angeles bureaucrats on outdoor dining. In December, the restaurant owners racked up a total of 124 complaints for violations of coronavirus-fueled operating prohibitions. Most of the prohibitions were tied to — get this — outdoor dining.

The government.

Can’t eat indoors.

Can’t eat outdoors.

And now, at least outside this particular Burbank grill, can’t even walk the sidewalks.

“The son of the [restaurant] owner, Lucas Lepijian, was arrested … after he removed sandbags in front of the building meant to prevent people from entering,” according to The Daily Caller.

He was cited. He was released. He was sent home with a fine of $50,000.

How come leftists aren’t so strict with illegal border crossers?

Democrats don’t want citizens to work, to travel, to open their businesses, to go to school, to attend church, to breathe without face masks.

These same Democrats open border doors wide to illegals, shuffle them into tight living spaces, turn blind eyes to their mask-less faces, demand taxpayers fund hotel rooms for them, petition for “free,” i.e. tax paid, public education and college education and even higher education for them — and more.

“Rep. Malliotakis: ‘Biden has turned over our border to the cartels,’” one recent Fox News headline stated, referring to Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, New York Republican.

No enforcement there.

But against American citizens, for the crime of wanting to operate a business and provide for self and family?

Enforcement. More enforcement. Double-down duty enforcement. Democrats are using this coronavirus to exert absolute tyranny on free citizens of America, while hypocritically ignoring the coronavirus — and national security! — dangers at the border.

Maybe therein lies the answer.

Perhaps Lepejian should go to the border and hire an illegal as manager. After all, Democrats don’t mess with the illegals.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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