- Sunday, September 6, 2020

I read with humor about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s arrogant disregard of San Francisco’s COVID-19 rules and her absurd defense (“Nancy Pelosi says she was ’set up’ by San Francisco salon,” Web, Sept. 2). The third most powerful person in the U.S. screamed when caught that she was “set up.” Huh. No one held a gun to her head or forced her in any way to break the rules by not wearing a mask and visiting a business supposedly “closed” by coronavirus-prevention rules. She broke them, and aided all those in the shop who were assisting her in doing it.

Mrs. Pelosi’s defense is hardly novel. Every criminal caught in a police sting screams the same one. She often asserts President Trump kills people because he doesn’t wear a mask at times and a good leader sets the right example. Well, Madame Speaker, you have lost the moral high ground. You have exposed, once again, (remember the ice-cream debacle?) that you care only about yourself and have little to no regard for all those millions in the U.S. suffering following the rules. Shame on you. And in the future, wash your own hair. Millions of us do.


Bristow, Va.

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