- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 24, 2020

If there’s one thing you can say about President Donald Trump on the campaign trail for reelection, it’s this: He sure is comfortable.

So comfortable, in fact, he gives all appearances of enjoying himself. Having fun, even.

Joe Biden, on the other hand — painful. Painful and slow, awkward, stilted. Stifled? Probably. His handlers are afraid of what he might say, and have no doubt scripted his appearances down to the facial expression. Cue “Smile Joe!” Card. Cue “Squint Like A Wise Man Joe!” card.

Trump is like a breeze of ease.

A smiling, easy-going, easy-peasy breeze of “USA! USA! USA!”- crowd-chanting fresh air.

His one-liners rival a comedy skit. Cue Jacksonville, Florida, rally.

“The hardest thing about running the country is dealing with crazy Democrats,” Trump said, of the — yes, he nailed it — crazy Democrats fighting the conservative agenda.

“They’re screaming at the top of their lungs, but their lungs are very small,” Trump said, of the snowflakey whiney protesters.

“Chuck, crying Chuck, every time you complain, remember — it was Harry Reid, your person, in charge, it was Harry Reid who made this whole thing possible … It was Harry Reid who gave us the power,” Trump said, of the snowflakey whiney Sen. Chuck Schumer, whining in most snowflakes fashion about the clear Republican path to nominate and confirm a new Supreme Court justice.

No laugh track needed.

These chuckles are for real.

And the difference between the two campaigns couldn’t be more ying versus yang — more light-hearted versus angry. So what? So who cares, you say? Well, image matters. Image in politics matters a great deal.

News headlines may have Trump campaigning in “battleground Florida” and fighting for electoral wins in other “battleground states.” But he’s not received that war memo.

He’s having too much fun.

And let’s remember: America loves a winner.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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