- The Washington Times - Monday, September 21, 2020

Netflix has seen a noticeable uptick in the number of platform cancellations in the days since it launched the child porn show, “Cuties.”

That’s what happens when you try and profit off images of children gyrating like lust-filled sex dolls. People get angry.

People from all political walks get angry.

“@netflix child porn ’Cuties’ will certainly whet the appetite of pedophiles & help fuel the child sex trafficking trade. I in 4 victims of trafficking are children,” tweeted Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrat candidate for president. “It happened to my friend’s 13 year old daughter. Netflix, you are now complicit.”

Hashtag that #CancelNetflix — and Gabbard did

And this, from The New York Daily News, of the Republican from Texas: “Sen. Ted Cruz says ’Cuties’ sexualizes 11-year-old girls, calls for federal child-porn investigation.”

Let the pedophiles of the world pay for “Cuties” with subscriptions. Normal people should take their money and walk. And thankfully, they are.

Data from the analytics’ firms Antenna and YipitData suggest cancellations, post-“Cuties,” are up significantly. According to Antenna, cancellations of Netflix jumped five times the norm in the days following the release of “Cuties”; YipitData finds similarly.

“Netflix’s U.S. churn ’rose materially’ last weekend in the wake of the controversy” over “Cuties,” Yahoo Finance wrote, citing first-hand statements from YipitData. “As of last Saturday, disconnects were running at nearly 8x the daily levels observed in August — a multi-year high.”

There you have it.

Produce child porn — and the people will revolt.

Produce material for pedophiles — and paying customers will take their money elsewhere.

Netflix, platform for the pedophilia crowd — because soon enough, those are the only people who will be paying.

That should make law enforcement’s job easier, at least.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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