- The Washington Times - Saturday, September 19, 2020

Fox News saw a bit of a dust-up this week when Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House, referred on air to the influences of billionaire George Soros on the violence that’s gone forth in the streets of mostly Democrat-controlled communities — only to have his comments shut down. Censored, some might even say.

Apologies and clarifications soon after came. But let’s be clear and let’s stay clear on this: Soros is indeed diddling in America’s political and legal systems. And his diddling is indeed having a “have at it” effect on those who would take to the streets, with bricks, to express their frustrations with President Donald Trump.

This is no conspiracy theory.

This is no tin foil hat moment.

This is a fact — a traceable, verifiable fact. What’s more, it’s not too hard to trace and verify.

In the 2018-2019 election cycle, Soros spent more than $2 million on three commonwealth’s attorney races in Northern Virginia. As The Daily Signal wrote it up: “Radical social justice activists will serve as the top prosecutors for three major Washington, D.C., suburbs — including the two wealthiest counties in the U.S. — after George Soros’ political action committee poured $2.1 million into ordinarily sleepy local races.”

Even The Washington Post recognized his financial contributions — at least part of them.

“PAC funded by George Soros pumps nearly $1 million into local races for prosecutor,” the newspaper wrote in June 2019.

Soros tossed almost another $2 million into a Philadelphia district attorney race, helping his candidate of choice, Larry Krasner, actually win. And then he threw more behind other Pennsylvania candidates, too.

“George Soros wading into the Delco District Attorney race shows problematic influence,” Christine Flowers of The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote in November 2019.

Why is this problematic?

Flowers nailed it. Soros, she wrote, has “no connection to the Philadelphia area,” yet “tried to manipulate” the local political machine to his will with $1 million “to get a Delco Democrat elected.”

It’s what he does. It’s how Soros spends his money — by buying or trying to buy political influence and political candidates.

Between 2014 and 2019, Soros spent around $17 million on local law enforcement races around the country, including $2 million to stop the strictly conservative, strictly law and order Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona, from grabbing the seat.

These are not hidden wheelings and dealings.

These are not hard-to-track, tough-to-discover campaign contributions.

“Soros Aims to Transform the Justice System by Funding DA Races,” Capital Research Center wrote in one headline from December 2019.

Indeed he does.

And there’s nothing quiet about it.

Except maybe the silence of many in the news media.

But facts are facts. And the fact that Soros, a social justice warrior who advocates for the same types of prison reform that make up the leftist talking points — you know, that Blacks are targeted by police for arrest, and criminals in America are too harshly treated — the fact he presses these ideas absolutely explains the thuggery in the streets right now. The fact he furthers these principles absolutely explains the emboldened thugs in the streets right now.

If Soros funds far leftist prosecutors who think justice is about skin color first, alleged crime second, then who’s to prosecute the thuggish, violent street protesters? Who’s to put the Antifa terrorists behind bars? Who’s to reel in the Black Lives Matter radicals tossing Molotov cocktails?


Like it or not, this is Soros’ money, this is the Soros influence, at work.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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