- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 17, 2020

The countdown is on.

Forty-four days until the November 3 elections — err, make that 43 — err, make that 42. Err, moving on. Fact is, it’s a fast-moving campaign train that’s rolling across America and the only consensus on Donald Trump versus Joe Biden is there’s no consensus.

Enter The Washington Times.

Enter Biking the Battleground.

We’re taking to the streets, to the small towns of America, to the union halls, to the local governments and even state governments, to the small businesses and farms and even American Indian reservations to get the word straight from the American people: What are today’s top concerns?

After all, polls can’t be trusted. Can you say Madam President? Newsweek tried and went down in shameful flames. “Newsweek Prematurely Ships Out Madam President Cover,” Inside Edition reported, a week after the 2016 elections wrapped — with Trump as winner. Remember that?

Pundits can’t be trusted.

“Funny Compilation: People Who Laughed at TRUMP … and said he would never be president,” YouTube put out, just a short couple weeks after, da dum dum, drumroll please, Trump won in 2016.

Members of most media can’t be trusted.

They hate Trump now as they hated him then.

“Media needs to come clean about hate for president,” The Boston Herald wrote in March.

“I hate Donald Trump. But the media really is treating him unfairly,” The Week wrote four years ago.

So who ya gonna believe when it comes time to discerning which candidate for president brings the best ideas, which candidate sides with the top concerns of the people, which candidate taps into the same type of thinking that’s on the minds of most of the voters?

Biking the Battleground will bring these answers — and more.

Fourteen states, in 14 days, talking to as many people as possible to gauge where Americans stand on politics, the coronavirus, Black Lives Matter, schools, personal finances, church closings and whatever else pops. Miss Manners may mind, but we don’t: Religion and politics are definitely on the table. Pastors and politicians are definitely on the schedule.

There’s a black business owner in Philadelphia who actually expanded his franchise during the city’s coronavirus crackdowns — and he’s going to tell how.

There’re a bunch of Automobile Mechanics Union members in Illinois who come from all political walks of life, Biden and Trump supporters both — and they’re going to explain where they think both main political parties have failed.

There’s a historical researcher in Nebraska who serves the state’s unicameral legislature, the only one in the nation — who’s going to give advice for a politically torn and fragmented nation on the lost art of pushing aside partisanship to accomplish a greater societal good. As any good public servant should, by the way.

There’s even a reservation filled with Ioway Tribe members in Kansas enthusiastic for a sit-down to discuss what’s missing from American politics when it comes to their needs — and who have a host of never-before-heard stories to share.

Day One starts with Pennsylvania. From there: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois. Then Iowa. Then Minnesota. Then South Dakota — the freedom state, in all this coronavirus chaos, where an interview with Gov. Kristi Noem is in the works.

Next up: Nebraska. Then Kansas, Oklahoma and either Missouri or Arkansas — it’s a toss-up for now. But on to Tennessee. Then Kentucky. And finally, the wrap in West Virginia.

Biking the Battleground.

Fourteen states in 14 days.

To get you, the American citizen, a beyond-the-Beltway, outside-the-bubble look and listen at what your neighbors truly think. At what unites, more than divides.

And one more thing: We’re doing it by motorcycle.

It’s called the Biking the Battleground for a reason. Fourteen states, 14 days. Fourteen days of posts of video, audio and text to keep you up-to-speed and informed. Check the website often.

Better yet: Hope to see you on the road!

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