- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 10, 2020

The American Civil Liberties Union has called for “sex work” — prostitution — to be decriminalized to protect prostitutes from police harassment and to open the doors for them to receive health care benefits.

This isn’t just misguided. This is dangerous.

Why don’t the liberal leftist socialist Marxists masquerading as defenders of the Constitution just put some children on the auction block for sex traffickers to buy? That’s where this abysmal campaign is heading.

“It’s time to end the stigma against sex work,” the ACLU wrote in a tweet.

No. No it’s not.

Remove the stigma, and open the flood gates for legalized prostitution — which means government sanctioned abuse of women, girls and yes, even males.

In some homes, in some broken, dismal, dysfunctionally run homes, the only things that stand between an exploited young girl and forced prostitution — sex trafficking — is a stigma backed by law. If police didn’t have the power to arrest prostitutes, traffickers would be free to send their trapped victimized “product” — i.e., poor suffering human — into the streets, into the hotels, into the pits of prostitution despair with abandon.

They would be free to sell their “product” overseas, to a global market.

They would be free to pitch their evil as just another business.

Ultimately, their exploited would become even more exploited.

The victims would be doubly, triply, quadruply victimized — first, by their traffickers; second, by their buyers; third, by the blind eyes and tied hands of law enforcement; and fourth, by a complicit justice system that reinforces the fact they’re nothing, they’re without value, that their entire reason for being is to service others with sex.

This is not helping. This is enabling.

Decriminalizing sex work pretends as if sex work is a valid choice — as if, say, girls actually consider law school versus the streets, or a life of scholarly study leading to an illustrious career in medicine versus selling their bodies for sex.

It doesn’t work that way.

Prostitution is not a vocation God had in mind when He formed His child in the womb. It’s what Satan does to spread his satanic acts — it’s how Satan funds his gangs and his drug enterprises.

“Sex work is real work,” the ACLU wrote in a meme on Twitter.

No. Not even close.

Sex work is exploitation.

Sex work is the killing of the human spirit, the sucking of the human soul.

Sex work is abuse.

But “real work?” No. Not even close.

There is a valid concern that an arrest record is a burden for victims of sex trafficking seeking to escape their victimized lives and leave behind the shadows of their dark exploited pasts.

But the solution isn’t to decriminalize the industry.

The solution isn’t to legalize the evil.

The solution is to let police do their jobs — which is to say, let police arrest sex workers, and get them off the streets, in positions and in venues where perhaps help can be offered and provided.

Where perhaps the pimps behind the scenes can be named and outed and investigated — and arrested.

Where perhaps the steps can then be taken to expunge the records of the victimized sex worker, to the lay the groundwork for a better life.

If police are told to stop arresting sex workers, who is going to watch for them?

The answer: Nobody.

Legalizing sex work helps nobody but the traffickers. Legalizing prostitution only sanctions evil.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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