- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 29, 2020

Much of the news media is reluctant to share any good economic news, fearing it will reflect positively on President Trump some 96 hours before Election Day. But wait. News organizations can’t overlook the U.S. economy’s record-breaking leap of 33.1% between July and September — so they simply dampen the good news with some bad news.

It is a crafty trick that also denies news consumers the opportunity to savor good news for even a moment. The method erodes voter trust in Mr. Trump as the election approaches. That’s a given. All that aside, here are some examples of strategic media modifications from the last 24 hours:

“Why the best GDP report ever won’t mean the economy has healed,” observed The New York Times.

“Record GDP won’t mean much to investors,” noted CNN.

“Despite GDP growth, polls suggest Trump’s advantage on economic stewardship is narrowing,” said The Washington Post.

“U.S. economy grows at record pace but still has a long way to go,” declared National Public Radio.

The Republican Party, however, offers a handy reality check, plus a reminder about Democratic nominee Joseph R. Biden.

“The economy grew at the highest rate ever on President Trump’s watch. On November 3rd, the choice is simple. Continue the policies that provided the conditions for the recovery by voting for President Trump. Biden’s tax increases and job-killing energy policies would slam the brakes on the great American comeback,” said Steve Guest, rapid response director for the Republican National Committee.


Yes, the media dumps all over President Trump’s economic gains, but of course. Some say, however, that Joe Biden’s potential economic plans are a downright Halloween horror. There are “11 trillion reasons to fear Joe Biden’s presidency,” says Nick Gillespie, editor at large for Reason.com.

“The former vice president’s vision of an all-powerful government goes far beyond massive spending and tax hikes,” Mr. Gillespie writes, citing figures compiled by the Manhattan Institute.

Mr. Biden proposes $11 trillion in brand new spending over the next decade — including $3.3 trillion on stimulus spending, $2 trillion on a Green New Deal; $1.5 trillion on education, $1.4 trillion to expand Obamacare — well, you get the idea. Mr. Biden also wants $3.6 trillion in tax hikes and lots of pesky federal regulations. Mr. Gillespie has a dire forecast should Mr. Biden win the White House.

“His season in the sun — coming decades after he first tossed his hat into the presidential ring — may well usher in a dark winter that will persist long after next year’s first crocuses bloom,” the analyst notes.


Parler is gaining strength, The social media platform was launched in 2018 by John Matze as an alternative to Twitter — meant to provide an online haven “free of judgment” and open to free expression and opinion. He now serves as CEO and chief technology officer.

“Parler is the solution to problems that have surfaced in recent years due to changes in Big Tech policy influenced by various special-interest groups. Parler is built upon a foundation of respect for privacy and personal data, free speech, free markets, and ethical, transparent corporate policy,” the organization says in a mission statement.

Such values are under scrutiny now that Jack Dorsey, who founded Twitter in 2006, was brought before Congress this week. He was asked to answer charges that the giant provider — Twitter has 146 million daily users — had censored the New York Post, among other things.

“Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear? And why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?” Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz asked the CEO.

It’s complicated. Meanwhile, Mr. Matze has a prediction about his rival.

“Free speech will prevail. The model of social media publication through Dorsey-approved editors will lose within three years to Parler’s town square,” he tells Inside the Beltway.


For those keeping score: President Trump made appearances — or will make appearances — at 10 campaign rallies in five states on Thursday and Friday. And the states: Florida, North Carolina. Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. On Saturday, Mr. Trump will appear at four rallies in Pennsylvania.

That total does not include 22 other rallies in the same time period hosted by Vice President Mike Pence, second lady Karen Pence, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Lara Trump. They appeared or will appear in Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.

“It’s MAGA-nificient,” one delighted Trump fan tells Inside the Beltway.


For sale: Castle Rock, an estate home built of local stone and red slate in 1880 on 16 acres, 620 feet above the Hudson River near Garrison, New York — directly across from West Point. 34 rooms — including six bedrooms and six baths, original unique woodworking, cathedral ceilings and custom details; 10,518 square feet. Panoramic views, four chimneys, towers, verandas, outbuildings, gardens. “Ready to be restored to its original glory”; served as the design inspiration for the witch’s castle in “The Wizard of Oz.” Priced at $3.4 million through Houlihanlawrence.com; find the home here.


• 41% of registered U.S. voters are not going to celebrate Halloween this year; 38% of Republicans, 39% of independent and 45% of Democrats agree.

• 45% of this group cite concerns over COVID-19 as their motivation not to celebrate; 28% of Republicans, 45% of independent and 55% of Democrats agree.

• 35% of this group cite “some other reason”; 50% of Republicans, 39% of independent and 24% of Democrats agree.

• 12% of this group have “religious objections”; 14% of Republicans, 10% of independent and 13% of Democrats agree.

• 10% of this group “prefer not to say”; 9% of Republicans, 7% of independent and 12% of Democrats agree.

Source: An Economist/YouGov poll of 1,500 registered U.S. voters conducted Oct. 25-27.

• Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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