- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The polls — the same polls who predicted Hillary Clinton in the White House — say President Donald Trump is going to lose.

The people — the packs and packs of people who have been turning out for his rallies in 2016-like masses — suggest otherwise.

Apparently, they’ve not gotten the message?

“Thousands attend President Trump’s rally in Omaha,” the Omaha World-Herald wrote.

“Thousands attend Trump campaign rally in Allentown,” WLVR wrote.

“Thousands attended Trump’s Lehigh Valley rally,” Lehigh Valley Live wrote.

“Despite COVID-19 surge, thousands attend Trump rally in Waukesha,” WKOW wrote.

Sensing the theme?

And standing in stark contrast is none other than Trump’s Democratic rival Joe Biden.

“Joe Biden hides in his basement as corruption claims mount,” Yahoo Money wrote.

“Joe Biden off the campaign trail, hiding from voters,” the Boston Herald wrote.

“Where’s Joe? With nine days to go, Trump jet-setting, Biden in his basement,” Just the News wrote.

“Biden is Hiding To Avoid Questions on Hunter,” Marc Lotter said on Fox News.

Even the leftist-fawning, Trump-hating New York Times is displeased with Biden, writing just this week, “Joe Biden, Generic Democrat.”

That piece opened with this significant ribbing: “He was barely seen in public today, just eight days before the election.”

Of course, the Times couldn’t leave the negative hanging; it had to be explained: The hiding, the writer said, was “all part of the strategy.”

Strategy for what — to lose? ’Cause even pollsters are worried they’re wrong on the forecasting of Trump as the loser, Biden as the winner. Even pollster Frank Luntz warned that if Trump wins in a week, then “my profession is done.”

And right on cue, here come the pundits, saying just that.

“Don’t believe the polls — Trump is winning!” wrote contributors to The Hill.

The polling questions are often biased. The sample sizes are too small, or too slanted, leading to predictably inaccurate results. The media selectively report the polling numbers that advance a media — i.e., anti-Trump — narrative.

And here’s a factor that wasn’t so much present in 2016, when the pollsters were put to shame — but is a huge factor today: Some Trump supporters choose to be silent because they don’t want bricks thrown through their windows.

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, thugs in the streets are busy with their attacks on Trump supporters, and since Democrats don’t seem to be quieting this crowd of party supporters, it’s up to the victims to take defensive measures. One defense? Staying silent.

Staying silent on the street — but active at the ballot box.

Not only does Trump have a hard-charging enthusiastic presence at his rallies. He also has a sizable quiet support system that will go the polls on Tuesday, cast a ballot for his reelection, and then just as quietly go home and go about regular business. Quietly, content in a vote for peace in the streets over mayhem and madness.

Biden’s run just doesn’t have the energy; his supporters just don’t have the passion. The yawning campaign is a reflection of the man himself.

Next Tuesday dawns.

Election Day comes.

And entering the final hours, here’s a headline to be believed: “Donald Trump’s pro-American policies will see him reelected,” The Detroit News wrote.

Just like in 2016, the pollsters be danged.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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