- Tuesday, October 27, 2020

What I don’t understand about politicians in general and Joe Biden in particular is how effortlessly easy it is for them to look straight into a TV camera and lie with a straight face.

For example, it is memorialized on videotape that on several occasions Joe Biden has said he’s against fracking and will end it. Yet during the final presidential debates, he denied that he’s against it.

With social media virtually recording everything a politician says on the record, how does he not know that he’s not going to be called out on it, as President Trump accepted his challenge? Being someone with a conscience, I could never lie with a straight face. But if I did try to get away with it, if caught in a widely publicized lie, I’d be so mortified I would crawl into a hole and never come out. To Mr. Biden, however, this is no big deal — just business as usual.

Does Mr. Biden have such contempt for the voters that he doesn’t care if he’s caught in a bald-faced lie? And then he has the gall to look into the camera and tell the American people that this election is about “character.”

How could the millions of potential Biden voters reconcile this with their own conscience(s) and pull the lever for this pathological liar? If I was an anti-Trump Democrat, I’d be so mortified and embarrassed for him that I simply wouldn’t be able to bring myself to go the polls and vote.


Medford, N.Y.

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