- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sen. Kamala Harris, in a CBS News interview, burst out laughing when she was asked if she’d spend her White House career as vice president serving as an advocate of the “socialist or progressive perspective” in politics.

And this is hugely significant because it underscores how socialism sneaks into America.

Socialists never want to admit they’re socialists until it’s too late to turn back the socialism. It’s the only way socialism sells on a widespread scale in America — by disguise. By deception. By duck and dodge and waves of magic wands. But the fact is Harris has the most liberal voting record in Congress. She can dismiss her past, but she can’t completely flee it.

She has received 100% marks for voting on issues of importance to the far leftist Human Rights Campaign, the League of Conservation Voters and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund; American Civil Liberties Union gives her an 86%. FreedomWorks, at the other end of the ideological spectrum, meanwhile, rates her 0%. So, too, the law and order border group Numbers USA.

Harris has sponsored the Climate Equity Act of 2020 — a bill to ensure climate and environmental justice accountability.” She’s sponsored the Environmental Justice For All Act — a bill that ties “environmental justice” to “civil rights.” She’s sponsored the HELP Act of 2020 — a bill that creates a database of evictions that’s overseen by the federal government, which would basically strip housing from the hands of private market entities.

Not one of these bills stands in line with limited government principles.

Not one of these policies, should they take effect, meet constitutional muster.

They’re programs and policies aimed at upsetting the free market, obliterating individual responsibility and choice and instilling Big Government as the be-all and end-all of deciding who in society has too much versus who in society has too little, and stripping from the former to give to the latter. All for the sake of equality and justice.

Socialist style.

“[You’re] considered the most liberal United States senator,” CBS hosts Norah O’Donnell told Harris. Will you bring this “socialist or progressive perspective” into the White House? To which Harris faked laughed. Fake blustery laughed.

“What I will do, and I promise you this, and this is what Joe wants me to do, this was part of our deal, I will always share with him my lived experience as it relates to any issue that we confront,” she said.

“I am not going to be confined to Donald Trump’s definition of who I or anybody else is. And I think American has learned that that would be a mistake,” she said.

What does that even mean?

Here’s what that means: Harris knows she’s a socialist. Harris understands that for some, socialism is still dirty word — an un-American word in politics. And so Harris will duck and dodge and laugh and feign innocence and outrage when slapped with a socialist label — all the way to the White House, where she’ll happily, steadily and wickedly press the unconstitutional, anti-American socialism policy ’til the cows come home.

And it’s then and only then, when it’s too late for America, that Harris will admit her socialism. That’s how the Democratic Party works. That’s how the enemies of freedom gather their successes.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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