- Sunday, October 25, 2020

During the last presidential debate, the real Joe Biden came out and showed what a pathological liar he is. Througout the event, when challenged he shook his head from side to side and denied what most of the public has seen in the news.

His son’s laptop was in the hands of the FBI, showing his involvement in his son’s dealings with Ukraine, China and other countries in which he said he had no involvement. Emails of his many transactions with foreign countries, showing he was raking in millions of dollars by using his position as vice president, have come to light from his son’s former business partner. Yet, Mr. Biden has said this is all false and “Russian disinformation.”

Mr. Biden’s former partner in crime, President Obama (another pathological liar), is running around the country spewing more lies about President Trump, which hasn’t helped.

Considering it has been reported that 50 million people jumped the gun and voted before this last debate showing Mr. Biden’s true colors, I can only think that those who voted for him have to be outraged at being used to help him implement socialism to destroy this country.

If Mr. Biden does win because of all of the deceit he has put forth, I have to laugh. Just after he is sworn in the FBI will arrest him for all of his criminal acts.


Warrenville, S.C.

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