- The Washington Times - Sunday, October 25, 2020

There’s some timely change afoot out there, and a Real Clear Politics headline tells all: “2016’s reluctant Trumpers are 2020’s avid Trumpers,” writes GOP strategist Charlie Gerow in a personal commentary for the news organization which cites Republicans who were once nervous about then-candidate Donald Trump.

“They remained cautious about Trump even after the Republican National Convention. Ultimately, though, they pulled the lever for Trump over Hillary Clinton. Call them ’Reluctant Trumpers.’ They’re still around, too. But’s there’s a difference: they are now enthusiastic Trumpers. I know. I’m one of them,” says Mr. Gerow, who was national co-chairman for Carly Fiorina’s campaign for president.

There are, he says, “a significant number of Republicans whose support for Trump has moved from tepid to an enthusiastic, and a growing wave of intensity in overall support for Trump.”

Mr. Gerow also noted that many well connected GOPers now believe Mr. Trump is a great president, not just a good one. They had a change of heart after Mr. Trump proved himself with the innovative “America First” concept, sound economic measures — plus pushback against China, illegal immigration and expensive overseas wars.

Then there are those who always believed that Mr. Trump was the man for the job.

“As for the enlightened who saw the way four years ago, their enthusiasm remains unquenched. The rallies, caravans, flotillas, and every imaginable demonstration of intense support tell the story better than any words. Trump’s support has an intensity that the Biden campaign only dreams of replicating,” says Mr. Gerow.


Much media coverage has attempted to jinx the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Now that the confirmation is imminent, that coverage is now full of a mixed messages. A scant few headlines from the last 24 hours:

“Amy Coney Barrett’s judicial philosophy doesn’t hold up to scrutiny” (The Atlantic); “Power grab: How Republican hardball gave us Amy Coney Barrett” (The Guardian); “Amy Coney Barrett’s historic moment” (The American Spectator); “Amy Coney Barrett expected to be approved to the Supreme Court” (New York Daily News); “Enlarging the Supreme Court is the only answer to the right’s judicial radicalism” (The Washington Post); “Barrett will complicate John Roberts’ goal of keeping the Supreme Court out of politics” (CNN); “Senate advances Amy Coney Barrett nomination, confirmation expected Monday” (CNBC).


Pat Boone — the iconic, all-American singer and actor — has long been in President Trump’s corner, predicting that he would be reelected as far back as 2017.

“He said exactly what he was going to do — and he is doing it,” Mr. Boone said at the time.

He is still rooting for the president. Mr. Boone is deploying his well-known, gorgeous voice in a new voter outreach announcement to motivate voters in a certain demographic which constitute 23% of the electorate, according to Pew Research Center.

“We’re doing a Boone call to be heard by voters in several key Senate races. Pat moves the needle to get out the vote among our 60-plus constituency,” Jim Martin, founder and chairman of the 60 Plus Association — tells Inside the Beltway.

The organization, incidentally, describes itself as the “conservative alternative to the American Association of Retired Persons.”


Staging a “reunion” of actors from old sitcoms and movies seems like a pleasant, innocuous thing to do. But in these times, these “reunions” have turned political as Hollywood denizens use them as a vehicle to condemn President Trump and support Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden and other Democrats.

The former casts of “Seinfeld,” “Back to the Future,” “Happy Days,” “Veep” and “Parks and Recreation” have gathered on a virtual basis to raise money for Mr. Biden — prompting Deadline, a prominent entertainment industry source, to track the phenomenon and cite a reunion of cast members from “The Princess Bride.” It raised $4 million for Wisconsin Democrats.

“Most of the reunion events have focused on the show themselves, with trivia and cast interviews, rather than spending extended periods of time on partisan politics. But they undoubtedly have the bandwagon effect, i.e. if the stars of your favorite shows want Trump out, wouldn’t you?” asked the news organization.


Terence Samuel, managing news editor for National Public Radio, said his outlet will ignore Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings, explaining that the revelations were “pure distractions” and “politically driven” — and therefore a “waste of time” for his audience.

National Review points out in an editorial that President Trump and his family, however, don’t qualify for “that standard” of coverage.

“National Public Radio is free to cover whatever news it deems important. But if it runs interference for the preferred presidential candidate of the editors, it should do so without the $250 million provided by taxpayers every year. As it is, NPR programming largely caters to the sensibilities of urban liberals. And that demographic happens to have the financial resources to ensure that NPR remains a vibrant source of left-wing news and entertainment without the federal government chipping in,” the editorial noted.

“Until that time, however, taxpayers have every right to expect organizations such as NPR to hold the powerful accountable without partisan favor — and that goes for both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.”


19% of registered U.S. voters have a “great deal” of confidence that the presidential election will be fair; 12% of Republicans, 18% of independents and 24% of Democrats agree.

18% have “quite a bit” of confidence; 16% of Republicans, 15% of independents and 23% of Democrats agree.

30% have a “moderate amount”; 30% of Republicans, 28% of independents and 32% of Democrats agree.

19% have “only a little” confidence; 25% of Republicans, 22% of independents and 13% of Democrats agree.

9% have no confidence “at all”; 14% of Republicans, 10% of independents and 5% of Democrats agree.

Source: AN ECONOMIST/YOUGOV POLL of 1,500 REGISTERED U.S. VOTERS conducted Oct. 18-20.

• Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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