- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 20, 2020

President Donald Trump said in a rally over the weekend that if Joe Biden wins the White House, be prepared for a canceled Christmas season.

That’s the truth. Christmas 2021 — and beyond.

Biden and his buddies on the socialist side of the political aisle can’t wait to get their grips on America to first stifle, then redistribute, then assume the position of Most High Picker of Winners and Losers. That’s the Biden plan for the economy: Tax the rich to give to the poor to ultimately decide who gets to be rich versus who has to be poor. China has got a check in the rich column, that’s for sure.

Small business owners?

Hard-working Americans trying to reach the next financial goal for their families?

Blue-collar types and white-collar types alike, pressing hard to maintain self-sufficiency?

Sorry. S.O.L., as the saying goes. Shoulda given more when the ol’ Democratic National Committee came a-callin.’

The fact is Biden’s plan sells as a populist message that helps the lower-income — but as everybody knows, taxes on business trickle down as higher prices for consumers. The real way to help Americans with their household bottom lines is to remove regulation that stifles growth, creativity, entrepreneurship and, ultimately, sales.

Biden’s plan doesn’t do that.

Biden’s plan is little more than the predictable leftist Robin Hood approach.

“Income tax rates for high-income taxpayers are returned to the pre-Trump level,” the Goodman Institute wrote of Biden’s tax policy.

“Biden’s tax plan … increases the corporate income tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent,” the Tax Foundation wrote.

The nonprofit went on to note the economic fallout from Biden’s plan would “reduce the economy’s size by 1.47 parent in the long run … shrink the capital stock by just over 2.5 percent and reduce the overall wage rate by a little over 1 percent, leading to about 518,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs.”

The good news is that long before Biden’s economic devastations could take root and spread, his coronavirus ideas would already have knocked out any signs of GDP positives.

Or, as Trump said: “Under the Biden lockdown, the lights of Reno and Las Vegas [would be] extinguished. Carson City will become a ghost town. If he comes in, Carson City will become a ghost town, and the Christmas season will be canceled.”

No doubt. This is the guy after all who wants to put all of America in face masks — by government mandate, Constitution be danged. This is the guy who said he’ll listen to the so-called scientists at all costs — regardless if said so-called scientists say to completely shut down the economy and tell everybody to stay at home. America, with Biden at the helm, would be lucky to make it to Christmas 2021.

In between COVID-19, tax-the-rich and green energy, Biden and his team of economy-killing cranks would have a veritable ball running roughshod over the capitalistic enterprises of America. And for him, that’d be the Christmas gift that kept on giving: a downer of an economy, courtesy the kindly bureaucrats who want nothing more than to kill capitalism, one face mask mandate at a time.

Merry Christmas, ya’ll.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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