- Monday, October 12, 2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ refusal to answer the question of whether, if elected, Biden would attempt to pack the Supreme Court providesthe answer: yes.

The only way Mr. Biden and congressional leftists could neuter the Supreme Court (and thus the whole federal judiciary) is to pack the court with liberals whose “decrees” would reflect, support and advance their socialist agenda while relegating conservative originalists to issuing dissenting constitutional opinions.

Mr. Biden’s posture in this matter is nothing short of outrageous. He claims the American people have no right to know his position on theissue of court packing before the election. He also indicated that his providing an answer “would needlessly distract from what is going on in America.”

Quite the contrary. His answer is part and parcel of “what is going on in America” and pivotal to what will happen in America.

Mr. Biden will not answer the question because he fears losing the possible votes of independents, the undecided, Democrats andanti-Trump Republicans who oppose the court-packing scheme, which is both illegitimate and immoral.

Mr. Biden’s stance is quite revealing. It shows that he is disgustingly deceptive and dishonest, making him unworthy and unfit for office. If he will not truthfully answer such a direct and important question as a candidate, he cannot be trusted where presidential integrity is not onlydesired but required.


Silver Spring, Md.

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