- The Washington Times - Monday, October 12, 2020

Washington Times columnist Cheryl K. Chumley is biking the battleground states as part of an ongoing series, visiting 14 states in 14 days to hear what real Americans think of the 2020 election. All of her interviews may be found HERE.

JENKS, OKLAHOMA — Oklahoma entrepreneur and podcaster Clay Clark, who’s authored “Fear Unmasked — Discover the Truth About the Coronavirus Shutdown,” has a bone to pick with Bill Gates.

And it’s one that goes like this: “I’m hoping to alert people to the idea that all [coronavirus] roads are leading to the gates of hell, a.k.a. Bill Gates, and his vaccines, which are nefarious, at best,” he said.

No, really, Clay, tell us what you think.

And so it went.

“Dr. [Anthony] Fauci sits on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,” he said, explaining how the laws of the vaccine world allow for the tapping of taxpayer dollars for medicinal development, but the simultaneous single-person ownership of the patent.

This is true.

The Denver Post reported in August how vaccines are poor financial investments for most pharmaceutical companies, given they’re administered once and only once — versus prescription pills that are doled out monthly, weekly, daily even, all for copious amounts of money.

“Last year,” the Denver Post reported, citing a Kaiser Health News piece, “only four companies were making vaccines for the U.S. market. … Fauci … complained that no major drug company had committed to ’step up’ to make a coronavirus vaccine.”

Then Oxford University stepped in and stepped up, promising to donate the rights to its own emerging coronavirus vaccine to drug makers, which in turn would lower the costs of COVIF-19 treatments to citizens.

“A few weeks later, Oxford — urged on by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — reversed course,” the Denver Post wrote. “It signed an exclusive vaccine deal with AstraZeneca that gave the pharmaceutical giant sole rights and no guarantee of low prices … Other companies working on coronavirus vaccines have followed the same line, collecting billions in government grants, hoarding patents, revealing as little as possible about their deals.”

And in the end — exploiting the generous pocketbooks of unaware taxpayers to enrich their own business interests and personal coffers.

“Modern failed to disclose federal funding for vaccine patent applications, advocates say,” reported STAT, also in August.

In other words: this is how it’s done.

This is how the vaccine-making world and all its self-interested partners work.

Having friends in high places can prove very profitable on the Big Pharma front.

As Clark went on: “Bill Gates in conjunction with Fauci have been working to develop this [COVID-19] vaccine and the vaccines developed so far haven’t gone over so well. … So as long as Fauci’s telling people in America that you got to take a vaccine, you should take a vaccine, we need a vaccine, and they make your life so terrible — think about it. The lockdowns, the shuttering of schools, the closing of churches — they’re saying, you can’t end this dystopia ’til we have a vaccine.”

What’s up with that?

Hmm. Tea leaves say: The forced vaccination of an entire nation, an entire globe even, for maybe, probably, by all appearances, definitely, without a doubt — for maybe reasons that have less to do with the health and safety of citizens and more to do with money and influence and power of the chosen few.

“The thing that’s disturbing about Bill Gates’ plan … that’s really crazy is the patent number that he chose, the vanity patent, is W02020060606,” Clark said.

Again: this is true.

The fact-checking site Snopes looked at whether “Microsoft Own[ed] Patent ’666’ About Implanting Microchips in People” and whether this patent “involves inserting microchips into people to mine their activity for cryptocurrency purposes” — and found: That’s “mostly false.”

But: Snopes went on to write that “Microsoft published a patent for a ’cryptocurrency system using body activity data.’ This patent is filed under the number W02020060606A1.”

Know what else is true?

The main piece of legislation that’s been introduced to fund contact tracing around the nation — at a cost of billions of tax dollars — is numbered H.R. 6666.

“And that’s not a good number,” Clark said.

Nope. It isn’t. But neither are the curious and uncomfortable collaborations and partnerships that are part and parcel of this rush to develop a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of some “new normal.”

Americans should be extra cautious about being the guinea pig for the coronavirus.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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