- Sunday, November 8, 2020

We should hope and pray that President Trump wins this election. A Biden presidency would be doomed before it began, considering Joe Biden’s cognitive deterioration, compromised negotiating position as a result of his duplicitous foreign business enterprises and the crushing of his party’s blue wave under the weight of its own radicalism.

If you were befuddled by Mr. Biden’s campaign gibberish, you would be no less befuddled to find an electoral mandate. Would it be shutting down the nation to beat COVID-19? OK, then what? Re-stimulating the economy by raising taxes on job creators, as Mr. Biden promised? (Huh?) Reversing Mr. Trump’s economic deregulation? Harassing the fossil-fuel industry? Undoing progress in border security? Throwing open the nation to unlimited refugee migration? More cultural polarization through identity politics? Capitulating to Black Lives Matter Marxists? Defunding the police? Hollowing out Second Amendment rights through executive fiat? Government takeover of industrial policy, the commercial economy, and cultural choices via the Green New Deal? Good luck with all that, comrade.

How would a President Biden respond to renewed violence by BLM and Antifa when these groups inevitably become dissatisfied with the president’s less-than-enthusiastic embrace of their radical agenda?

What would be Mr. Biden’s foreign policy mandates? Sacrificing America’s sovereignty to globalist accords? Recapitulating to China’s trade aggressions? Ceding the sovereignty of the South China Sea and Taiwan to China? Re-emboldening Iranian Middle East hegemony, thereby dooming the gains made under President Trump? Marginalizing Israel, following President Obama’s lead?

Lastly, although the American press is seemingly oblivious to Mr. Biden’s cognitive deterioration, Vladimir Putin, Ayatollah Khomeini, Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping are not. We can expect these enemies of America to collaborate and test the mettle of the new American president. Weakness in the face of tyranny is provocative. So if you were chilled by candidate Biden before the election, you can only imagine the response of a compromised President Biden under pressure.


Abingdon, Md.

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