- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 5, 2020

Next to pollsters, members of the media are the big shame of the post-election face.


In a word: Florida. In another word: Texas. These are two states’ members of the media were wildly excited at the possible, no make that, probable, no make that, almost very nearly absolutely near-definite, turn to blue. Turn to true Joe Biden blue.

“Why Florida is a battleground state like no other in the 2020 election,” CNN reported just a day before Election Day.

“Florida is a 2020 swing state. Here’s what Trump needs to win,” CNN reported two weeks before Election Day.

“Biden Takes Slight Lead in Florida Over Trump in Final NBC News/Marist Poll,” NBC reported at the end of October.

“Texas emerges as unlikely battleground in 2020 election,” CBS News reported in the hours leading up to Election Day.

“2020 election: Texas a toss-up in Trump vs. Biden race,” CNBC reported a few days before Election Day.

“NBC News Puts Texas in Toss-Up Column in Presidential Race,” NBC reported in the final week before Election Day.

“Why Texas Republicans’ hold on the state is loosening,” CNN reported a few days before Election Day.

President Donald Trump took Florida and Texas by several percentage points.

It was never a contest.

Not a real one.

It was a contest of wills, if anything — of the wills of members of the media who wanted, who fervently hoped, Biden would prove the Democratic contender to turn those states from red to purple to blue. And those two states are just a couple of the many, many examples of flawed, skewed, deceptive reporting that’s marked this election cycle. 

But seriously, didn’t we already do this “Go, Democrats!” dance during the 2016 elections? Didn’t we already see the severely skewed polls pushed by a severely anti-Trump press, dissected by a severely biased-against-conservatives’ punditry class in the media?

Didn’t we already see the apology that wasn’t so much apology as red-faced explanation of poor coverage from the publisher of The New York Times in 2016 for getting it all oh so wrong?

It’s time for the field of journalism to undertake a little self-reflection and acknowledge some change is in order.

The New York Times ought to hire one, no two, no, why not go for three, news and opinion writers of solid, staunch conservative bent.

The Washington Post ought to bring on board one, no two, no why not go for three, news and opinion writers of solid, staunch — fundamentalist, even — Christian bent.

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC — so, too, all the news outlets that pride themselves on being fair and objective and inclusive of all views, but are really anything but. Sensing the theme here?

Pew Research has conducted some marvelous surveys on the political and cultural leanings of members of the media and found, with consistency, that most in America’s newsrooms lean left. Even those journalists who self-identify as independent, and lay claim to complete non-bias and nonpartisanship, still, when pressed, lean far left on issues. Gay marriage, LGBTQ rights, tax dollars for entitlement and welfare programs, health care as a right — meaning, as a taxpayer-funded right — these are all issues journalists, by and large, support to the same vehemence as Democrats.

They may not call themselves Democrats.

They may not call themselves secularists or atheists.

They may say they don’t hate Donald Trump — and profess to give Republicans a fair shake.

But there’s a reason why the late Sen. John McCain was so loved by the media and fawned as a media guest, and simultaneously hated by many in deep conservative camps: He was a RINO who gave the media plausible deniability on the accusation of bias.

He served as an acceptable Republican spokesperson when the media needed a Republican spokesperson, even though he didn’t speak for much of the Republican base. Because he didn’t speak for the Republican base, if truth be told. The media bend over backwards to find modern McCains for guests; think Mitt Romney. Think all the anti-Trumpers in the GOP. But that trick’s time has met its end.

If this election shows anything, it’s these two things: Pollsters should be fired. By the dozens. And media executives should take the plunge and shake up their staff. By the dozens.

Add some conservatives.

Add some Christians.

Add some people who can tell when the pollsters — the remaining ones — are spot on or off the mark.

If news wants to bolster its image with the people and restore even a smidgen of credibility, executives will step outside their liberal bubble and hire some people with, gasp, views that actually represent a good portion of the America public. Hire a deplorable — a whole basket, even. It just might boost ratings.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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