- Thursday, November 5, 2020

On Election Day, in response to exit poll data coming out of Florida indicating that President Trump had garnered the support of Hispanics and Blacks, Josh Kraushaar, a columnist at National Journal, tweeted, “The path forward for the GOP: multiracial working-class party.” To which Sen. Josh Hawley, Missouri Republican, responded: “Uh, yea.”

Of course, it was not simply the numbers out of Florida that impressed the senator from Missouri. According to the Edison Exit Poll, Mr. Trump has a positive increase from 2016 with every race and gender save — and note the irony — White men. So much for the prevailing and, hoped-for narrative the elite media has been pushing about racism in this administration. It turns out that voters see right through the Democratic National Committee-fed talking points.

Because pundits will try and downplay just how strong of a rebuke to Joe Biden, in particular, and Democratic candidates, in general, this election is turning out to be, it’s more than worth noting that Mr. Trump just won the highest share of the non-White vote of any Republican in the last 60 years. (Feel free to trot out that statistic when the family gathers at the Thanksgiving table.)

But it’s not just the news on the Republican side of the ledger that lends credence to what Mr. Hawley also shared on Twitter, “We are a working class party now. That’s the future.” According to the Center for Responsive Politics, this election, and for the first time in a decade, Wall Street gave more money to Democrats than to Republicans. The organization also reports — astoundingly — that nearly 100% of political contributions from Internet companies went to Democrats. Couple this with the anti-conservative biases manufactured on Madison Avenue and laundered through media outlets around the country, Hollywood’s incessant anti-Trump braying, and the perennial pro-liberal politics in higher education, and one gets the sense of just how captured the Democratic Party is by monied elites.

Americans are loudly signaling their preference for a common-sense conservatism that champions the working- and middle-class, celebrates the shared, noble history of our country and relies on the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution as foundations of wisdom, power and freedom. If the Republican Party can harness the lessons — and the triumphs — of the recent election and carry them forward, the future looks good for a re-defined and re-invigorated party. It bodes well for the country as a whole going forward.

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