Monday, November 30, 2020

One would think a previous U.S. president would have the decency to stay out of the politics of a current presidential race. Bill Clinton, the Bushes and Jimmy Carter have done so, but not Barack Obama.

It is shocking and disgusting to watch a former president engage in precisely the same tactics of divisiveness that were the hallmarks of his administration. Former President Obama continues to fulfill his promise given five days before his inauguration to “fundamentally” transform the United States. He is keeping that promise.

Mr. Obama accuses President Trump of being a racist, claiming that Mr. Trump called Mexicans thieves and rapists. Mr. Obama parroted a distorted CNN banner, displayed two years ago, which read: “TRUMP: MEXICANS ARE THIEVES AND RAPISTS.” Mr. Obama had to know that CNN extracted these words from the original Trump statement, which also included the statement that “some, I assume, are good people.” Yet Mr. Obama conveniently chose to omit this portion.

Mr. Obama also falsely claimed the reason Hispanics supported Mr. Trump to a far greater degree in this election than they have in the past is because they are evangelicals. The real reason? Many Hispanics in the U.S. are legal immigrants from countries such as Cuba and Venezuela. They have seen first-hand their home countries transformed from free nations to socialist dictatorships that created hardships and loss of civil rights.

As a former president, Mr. Obama must certainly know the importance of the office of the presidency to the United States and the world. In demeaning the current president, Mr. Obama is denigrating the office — for future presidents, too. He needs to now do as former presidents have done and simply fade away into history.


Potomac, Md.

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