- Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Is Joe Biden really president-elect? The answer is clearly no. No media outlet or presidential candidate can declare victory. It’s up to states to certify the results. And the courts and state legislatures have a say in who becomes president.

In the first presidential debate, Mr. Biden said he wouldn’t declare victory until the results were certified. Results in most states aren’t certified yet but he has declared himself president-elect anyway — even though his opponent has valid reasons to take some states to court. The mainstream media may want to call folks conspiracy theorists for wanting election integrity. They say there is no evidence of voter fraud, and if there were it wouldn’t be sufficient to overturn the results of the election. That job is for the court or both presidential candidates asking for a full audit of all swing states. Why don’t the Democrats and Mr. Biden want a full audit of the votes that would supposedly help cement Mr. Biden’s case?

President Trump should not concede until or unless there are audits proving there was no widespread vote fraud. But here’s what we know happened:

1) Dead people did vote.

2) Over 5,000 votes found in Georgia had recounts that weren’t counted before. Mr. Trump won the majority of those votes.

3) An election software system called Dominion Voting Systems switched 6,000 Trump votes to Biden votes in a county in Michigan.

4) There is evidence of over 100% voting in some precincts.

5) People turned up on Election day to vote only to be told they’d already voted by mail when they did no such thing.

6) People voted more than once.

7) People voted in states where they’re ineligible to vote.

8) Some Republican observers were denied a fair right to observe the counting of the ballots.

9) There is evidence of election officials backdating votes to meet state deadlines for mail-in ballots.

10) Election officials called Democratic voters to fill in certain information to ensure their votes were counted — but those election officials never gave Republican voters the same courtesy.

The mainstream media undermined President Trump for the past four years, so they can at least give him and his legal team four weeks to prove whether there were widespread voting irregularities and/or fraud. Remember, too, that cases being thrown out in Democrat-held states can be appealed at the federal level. Calling for election integrity isn’t undermining anyone. So enough of this ’It’s time to move on’ talk. For four years, the entire world was told it was the Russians who helped get Donald Trump elected.


St. Ann, Jamaica

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