- The Washington Times - Monday, November 2, 2020

And just like that — the Democrats have brought out the Bible again.

Joe Biden, in a campaign tweet, wrote: “My faith has been my anchor through highs and lows — a guiding light that taught me the values of honesty, decency, and treating others with respect. As president, it will continue to serve as a source of strength.”

Where are all the cries from the humanists of the left who are always so quick to denounce Republicans who dare breathe a word of God during their public service?

Separation of church and state, right?

Biden, in a video below the tweet, goes on to say — with straight face: “Look, ah” — cue dramatic pause — “I have the great advantage of my faith, the Catholic social doctrine, and my political views coincide.”


There are a few hundred thousand aborted babies who might disagree.

“Biden Vows To Protect Abortion Rights,” Forbes wrote in an October 6 headline.

“It’s a woman’s right to do that. Period,” Biden said of abortion during a Democratic primary debate in February.

In fact, that’s when he vowed that no matter if the Supreme Court outlawed abortion, he would fight for its nationwide legalization, regardless.

“If [SCOTUS] ruled it to be unconstitutional, I will wend to the United States Congress, and it will pass I believe, a bill that legislates Roe v. Wade adjusted by Casey,” he said then. It’s a woman’s right to do that. Period.”

No wonder he’s a fave of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund crowd.

“Joe Biden Plans To Restore Federal Funding For Planned Parenthood,” Newsweek wrote in July.

But there’s more.

In his video, Biden then said, “It’s about you are your brother’s keeper. It really does matter what other people, um, what they’re going through. I was raised to make sure that you look out for the other guy. Values of honesty, decency, treating people with respect. Making sure that, in fact, everyone is treated equally.”

Except conservatives, of course.

Except conservatives and Donald Trump supporters, that is.

Except conservatives and Donald Trump supporters and Donald Trump himself, and babies being carried in mothers’ wombs, that is.

“They’re the basic, fundamental American values,” Biden said. “And my faith just reinforces it all.”

Remember, this is the same faith the Democratic Party tried so hard to vote out of its platform a few years back.

But it’s election time; it’s presidential election season — and Trump’s got a whole bunch of believers who voted for him in 2016 and who are poised to vote for him again, this Tuesday.

So what’s a good Biden contender to do?

Make a video about his faith. And hope against hope nobody calls him on his hypocrisy.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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