- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 19, 2020

The United Nations has a campaign called “sustainable development” that includes 17 goals to make the planet a better place for all — namely, by placing the governing of the planet into the hands of a few bureaucrats at the top of the global chain.

And they’re using the coronavirus to speed up the take-over of the world.

It’s all on the U.N.’s own sustainable development website.

The Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, are 17 separate action campaigns designed to eradicate poverty, protect the environment and basically “improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.” Admirable goals? Yes. But it’s the implementation that’s the devil.

These calls to action intrude on about every facet of human living imaginable. It’s the ultimate Big Government gateway.

Goal Number One: No Poverty. Goal Number Two: Zero Hunger. Goal Number Three: Good Health and Well-Being. Those are followed by campaigns for quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth for all, solid industrial and infrastructure development for all, the reduction of all inequalities, construction of sustainable cities and communities, the implementation of policies for responsible consumption and production, climate action, policies that protect ocean life, policies that protect all forms of life on land, the implementation of policies protecting peace and justice, and finally, the creation of partnerships that uphold all these goals — forever.

How admirable — working toward a planet that provides both basic necessities and opportunities for growth and success for all people, all around the world, “everyone, everywhere,” as the United Nations puts it.

But this is a nightmare for American sovereignty.

It’s the ultimate top-down governing structure.

It’s an absolute and chilling collectivist dream.

And because the United Nations has called for these goals to be fulfilled by 2030, and because the United Nations sees its time for fulfillment of these goals as tick, tick, tick-ticking away, the United Nations is tap, tap, tap-tapping fingers to find a platform to spring the goals into being.

Enter the coronavirus.

Enter opportunity.

“In April 2020, the United Nations released a framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19 as a roadmap to support countries’ path to social and economic recovery,” the United Nations wrote. “It calls for an extraordinary scale-up of international support and political commitment to ensure that people everywhere have access to essential services and social protection.”

That’s under Goal Number Eight, the promotion of “inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.”

Here’s the COVID-19 plan for Goal Number 13, Climate Action: “The UN Secretary-General has proposed six climate-positive actions for governments to take once they go about building back their economies and societies: green transition … green jobs … green economy … invest in sustainable solutions … confront all climate risks [and] cooperation — no country can succeed alone.”

Layman’s: That means the United Nations is calling for far leftists of the world to unite and use the coronavirus to shove through every radical environmental agenda that’s been stalled through the years.

The globalists are counting on fear to be their ultimate friend in this campaign; they’re using this coronavirus crisis to best advantage. Never let a crisis go to waste, as the saying goes.

Go through the U.N. sustainable development web pages and have a look. It’s all there, in black and white. It’s all spelled out, step by step. It’s all written out; their own words. The thing is, in America, we have a document called the Constitution that guarantees a limited form of government, and a spirit of nation called God-given rights that already sets the stage for the equal opportunities for all. America’s different; America’s special. America doesn’t need a global ruler like the United Nations to wag a finger and dictate how to govern. The United Nations ought to take an example from America; not the other way around.

But bureaucrats of the world, unite.

This is the much talked-about “reset” of coronavirus times.

The United Nations is using COVID-19 to advance its sustainable development goals and bring them to fruition by 2030.

The United Nations is using COVID-19 to take over the world. And more to alarming point: The “America First” guy is soon leaving office, making way for a much more friendly-to-the-world-governments administration. The next four years, for America, for Americans, are going to be — different.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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