- Thursday, November 12, 2020

Don’t you just love the way Democrats demand that Republicans acquiesce to their coronation of Joe Biden? Four years ago, the day after the president won the election, Democratic Rep. Al Green introduced a resolution to impeach the president — almost three months before Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president.

And there were no contested states and no questions of fraudulent voting. Of course, that did not stop Democrats from wearing T-shirts saying, “He’s not my President.”

Democrats openly wept on television. Not just emotional citizens, but the news anchors. Usually their tears were accompanied with profane tirades. They were determined to undermine the legitimacy of President Trump.

The left formed “The Resistance” movement and with the media attacked anyone who openly supported the president. They disrupted congressional townhalls throughout the country. Not only were they unruly, they physically threatened Republican members of Congress and their supporters.

Bureaucrats at the highest levels of our national intelligence and security apparatuses had been spying on then-candidate Trump, disrupted his transition to the presidency, and then initiated a bogus special counsel to try to undermine the president’s legitimacy and credibility. Do you believe the bureaucratic state did the same to Barack Obama? Certainly, you don’t believe the left wingers, the neo-cons, and powerbrokers within the administrative state will do a thing to undermine Joe Biden. Why would they? He wants to return to the pre-Trump status quo of expanding the power of the state.

Can you imagine the social media attack squad censoring a Biden-Harris regime? Neither can I. These same techno-tyrants have canceled Trump supporters and prevented the president and members of Congress from communicating with the American people.

And I get questions from the media like, “Can you work across the aisle with the Democrats?” Really.

My response: “You mean the people who want to dismantle the Bill of Rights? You mean the people who want to transfer dollars that are supposed to support our local police to social workers, resulting in higher crime rates? You mean the people who have promised to give us the highest taxes in the nation’s history? The people who emasculated the military?

The people who have promised amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens? Who have promised to give free health care to illegal aliens while canceling private medical insurance for 180 million Americans? The radicals who want to impose the job-killing “Green New Deal” on America? Do you mean the Democrats who want to kill our newly found energy independence and give us the same rolling black outs of California?

“You want to know if I can work with those people? You mean the people who want to make a list of everyone who either supported or worked for President Trump so that they can publicly shame, dox, harass, or even bring criminal charges against them?”

Yeah, right. It’s super easy to work with people who want to destroy the American way of government and turn us into a communist country, and the people who have driven historic division for four years, calling Republicans “racist,” “bigoted,” and “misogynist” for supporting freedom and personal responsibility. Now, Democrats turn around to blame Republicans for the division and call on us to unify with them — another example of them projecting onto Republicans exactly what they are doing. 

How about this, my soft Republicans? How about if we fight in every way to make sure every legal vote is counted, and every fraudulent vote is disallowed? 

How about if Republican-controlled state legislatures provide an alternative Trump slate of electors to the Electoral College in states where the Democratic apparatus of counting votes has produced questionable results?

How about if congressional Republicans prepare and introduce a resolution to impeach Joe Biden before the votes are certified and before he is sworn in, just like our Democrat friends did in 2016?

How about the attorney general, William Barr, appointing a special counsel to investigate the Biden family’s alleged criminal conduct, including extortion and bribery?

How about Republicans and Americans, the 70 million+ voters who supported liberty when they voted for President Trump; how about if we fight to preserve America, the last, best hope of the world instead of passively going quietly in the night?

Will we be better off quietly assenting to the radical agenda of the left that will emasculate our economy, destroy our institutions and balloon the power of the national government, or will we be better off by fighting against the imposition of the Democrats’ freedom-destroying plans?

Americans must demand nothing less than the absolute integrity of our elections systems — in every state, in every county and in every municipality. If you’ve seen or heard of fraud or irregularities, you should report those to your state or county Republican Party office or your local Trump Team. Be loud and vocal on social media and other forms of communication. If you’ve seen something, say something.

As for me, I believe the nation will be better if the American people rise up and fight.

• Andy Biggs is a Republican U.S. representative for Arizona.

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