- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 12, 2020

Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, is calling on Christians to get bolder, louder and more involved in policy and politics, including in this ongoing election battle and fight for electoral integrity, or else face the consequences of a rapidly secularizing America — meaning the demise and degradation and loss of freedom and individual rights. 

This, in a nutshell, is the key to keeping the country on a path of approved Founding Father governance: The Christian community must awaken and energize. Why?

It was the Judeo-Christian concepts that made America great.

It’s the Judeo-Christian concepts, and only the Judeo-Christian concepts, that will keep America great.

And for Christians to refuse to involve themselves in the political world because of some sort of belief that Jesus would disapprove — well, it’s nothing short of un-American.

“The only thing holding Christians back from greater influence is their own sense of inadequacy,” Myers said in an email response to several questions. “There are enough believers to provide excellent leadership at the local level and shape policy in a positive direction at the state and national level[s] as well. Unfortunately, Christians suffer from a kind of learned helplessness. They say, ’I voted and that is all I can do — God is in control.’ That’s not only bad theology; it’s bad citizenship.”


Totally agree.

Founders warned that without an informed and morally compassed citizenry, America’s system of individual rights as coming from God, not government, would completely crumble. Yep. America needs citizens who know what their rights are, who know the source of those rights, and who are willing to wage a principled fight against those who seek to take those rights.

The fact is once that notion of God-given crumbles, what’s left is government-granted — meaning the entire democratic-republic falls. Government takes over the helm and distributes and redistributes as government sees fit.


Who needs God when there’s government.

So goes the Big Government, progressive, socialist, communist, Marxist, collectivist mindset, anyway.

“Your vote doesn’t get you through the finish line,” Myers said. “It get you to the starting line. … If believers do nothing, the socialist left will have a lock on our national political life within a decade.”

Within a year is more like it.

Within one single Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders influencing year.

Christians are uniquely positioned to fight socialism because of biblically taught truths of the rights of the individual — that Jesus was no respecter of persons, for instance, and that God plants in each and every person talents to grow and develop and missions and purposes to achieve and fulfill. Socialism kills those seeds of greatness.

Collectivism destroys those roots of purpose and mission.

Wake up, Myers said, to his fellow Christians. This is a matter of “life and death for our republic,” he said.

He doesn’t overstate.

Socialism isn’t just at America’s door. It’s inside the gate.

The fate of America’s freedoms rests largely on the willingness of the Christian community to rise up and strike a bold stand for the nation’s biblical roots. It’s now or never.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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